Other bits of this blog..

Saturday 1 December 2007

"Half an Acre? Why?" I hear you ask ..

A very good friend of mine heard it on the radio, from a 1950's recording of Gardener's Question Time.
"No matter how small one's garden one should always set aside at least half an acre for wildflowers."
I think it is mis-quoted because my mother found it quoted again in a magazine and cut out the words for me. It was a whole acre, but I can't change the name now!
I found it a curious and evocative name for my company.

My Half an Acre is a peaceful meadow - lizards dart through the grass, fish swim in the little river and the Sockbunnies live in The Warren, which nestles in the sunniest corner of the plot. There is a vegetable garden, tended by the bunnies, where they grow carrots, lettuce and strawberries.

One day I will have my own half an acre, and there will be a hammock slung between two trees and a rickety gate leading to the adjacent garden of my oldest and best friend Ruth.

Saturday 3 March 2007

BUNNY TALES - 0136 AND 0137

These two bunnies are now living with a certain Isabella Campling. She has discovered her 'inner bunny' big time. Little did we all know what would come over her when she took these two home!

The bunnies have the most glorious, fluffiest, pinkest, most girlie bed EVER. Never has a sock bunny slept in such grandeur.
What ever will they say back at The Warren?

Friday 2 March 2007

BUNNY TALES - 0103 and 0116

Passport Numbers 0103 and 0113 were very excited and a little bit scared when I parcelled them up to be sent to Callum and Zak Parker. They live in Atlanta, Georgia - a very long trip for two small bunnies. I should have put them into the same box for the trip, in hindsight, so they could 'hold ears' for comfort. I did hear them giggling and practising a southern drawl on the way to the post office so I guess they were not too worried about the flight! It was the left hand bunny in the picture who went - leaving his bunny twin behind. That sounds a little sad but quite honestly I think they were glad to get away from each other!

Thursday 1 February 2007


What a lovely map!
It shows where Global Bunny has been.
Hover over the map - a grabber hand will appear - using it you can move the map around. You can also zoom in and out.

View Global Bunny's World Tour in a larger map

Thursday 4 January 2007


The Warren nestles in a sunny corner of half an acre of meadow. Widget SockBunny and his f riends hop amongst the wildflowers, sun their ears on the grassy banks and make daisy chains to decorate their burrows.

It was discovered when my three children were a little bored and I made a sock bunny for one of them. Then the other two boys wanted one. Those bunnies were lonely and needed bunny friends. The bunnies then needed families. Next their friends wanted bunnies, then their friends' friends ......... As everyone discovered their inner bunny it became obvious that a shop was needed. And so Widget and Friends opened on Folksy!

All the sock bunnies are made from one lovely, new, soft sock stuffed with BS safety standard filling. They are washable and suitable for even the smallest bunny lovers. There is nothing to be pulled, to come off or to be swallowed!
Each bunny comes in it's own sleeping bag. Please keep them in there at night as they don't like to be cold. Remember to take them out in the daytime though ..... so they can hop around and search for carrots.

Each bunny comes in a travelling box with a bunny badge and instructions on how to stay in touch with The Warren. The bunnies would love to know where their friends are off to and any interesting tales they have to tell of their travels. Please let them know by contacting The Warren and it can be posted on this blog! Your bunny will also be added to the Bunny Map and it you let us know if it travels anywhere it's journey can be plotted too!

The bunnys' email address is: thewarren@halfanacre.co.uk

Remember - your inner bunny is in there struggling to get out!

Monday 1 January 2007


It is just me, Anna. I live in West Sussex, UK surrounded by oak trees and farm smells but no cucumber sandwiches or policemen on bicyles, I'm afraid. I run a small company called Half an Acre from a little room in our house. The room is a mess! I also have a husband and three small boys. It is noisy, as you can imagine, and I retreat to my work room on a regular basis! We have no television but loads of board games and lego and pencils. I don't own half an acre either! My garden is quite small and full of those oak trees. In between clearing up the leaves I design and paint wooden decorative things to cheer up the walls of your home. I have my own website www.HalfanAcre.co.uk but I also sell through my Etsy shop and my shop on Folksy.com.

'Widget and Friends' is part of Half an Acre. Widget and his bunny friends all live at 'The Warren' which nestles in a sunny corner of Half an Acre. I started to make the sock bunnies because my eldest son has a big love of all things rabbit. Widget and Friends was first to open (as a shop within Folksy.com) and, just after, I started this blog. This blog is the central information point for the sock bunnies. Here you can read about the sold bunnies - where they are living and what they might be getting up to with their new owners. Global Bunny is visiting exciting places around the world and you can read about her travels here too. You can also sign up to the newsletter to get updates from the bunnies.
Widget Sockbunny is having one picture taken every day for a whole year! You can see his daily photo on his blog Widget's Year.
Do keep stopping back in on your travels around the internet - there will always be something new happening!