Other bits of this blog..

Monday 31 August 2009


The Warren received lots of exciting new over the summer. Rainbow Bunny, all the way over in Florida, sent news of the arrival of Bertie Basset from Hotdog and Me...

There was a message from Neon in Holland, telling how excited he was to receive a letter from his girlfriend Little Spotty ....

I was really surprised when I received a letter specially for me--its a letter from my bunnyfriend Little Spotty! So nice. Chantal made a picture of me reading the letter.
Bye hopping bye,
Lots of love

It's very nice here in Schiedam!
Kisses to all the other sweet bunnies.

Checker Bunny went to live with Blissknits but it all went a bit wrong and her carrot didn't go with her! That was not all - she thought her baby, Pinky, had got into the travelling box with her and was snuggled down into the tissue paper but on arrival there was neither carrot nor Pinky!! It was all very worrying but Pinky was soon sent off to be reunited. You can see Checker Bun and Pinky being reunited on Blissknits blog here.

There are also a new bunny pal - Miss Bella Bunkin, kitchen bunny, champion knicker chewer and ankle licker! She lives in the kitchen of Heather of PrettyThingsJewellery and was caught stealing knickers from the laundry basket! Thornton Bunny lives in the living room with his girlfriend, Grace. Grace hates Bella because she sneaks in to try and steal Thornton from her. Bella tries to sneak in to see Thornton when Grace isn't looking! The picture is of Bella helping with the shopping!

These two are Thornton, on the left, looking calm and casual whilst Grace, on the right, is practicing her back-leg-kick-hop for when Bella pops in see Thornton!

Sunday 30 August 2009


Widget and the bunnies all spent three weeks on the Isle of Wight, as has been done for time immemorial. It was pretty dismal weather when we set off and, when we arrived at the car ferry in Portsmouth, we discovered that we were not alone in the car. There was a stowaway!

Jeremy Beagle! He must have snuck in when we were packing up the car. I'm sure the rabbit and the horse must have had something to do with it!
Just after we took that photo something BAD happened ......

The Bunny Maker's husband (not especially a bunny lover) decided that the windscreen was a bit steamed up!! JEREMY!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Luckily he was okay, slightly taken aback and soggy, but okay nonetheless.

Luckily Widget was hidden away and the other bunnies were safely in their tub trug in the back of the car!

Saturday 29 August 2009

How not to enter a competition.

I seem to be able to do quite a lot of these 'How not to ...' posts. Hmmmm, I wonder why? Perhaps I should be learning something about myself from all this!

So - this competition? There was a feature about it in the Daily Telegraph about it - The V&A World Beach Project. Fabulous. I was right over the road from a beach! Make some beach art, photograph it and send in the pictures. You can then plot the exact location on their google map. YAY! Love it!

Ta da da da daaaaaaaa!
Sand Face!

Okay - it's not a masterpiece. It didn't take me very long but there it is. I took this one picture of it.

Last night I did all my uploading and downloading and sideloading of pictures and got down to the business of entering the competition. Now here's the 'how not to' bit.
When entering a competition READ THE INSTRUCTIONS.
Oh how simple.

So - here are the instructions for you to read so you can see why I can't enter.
The V&A World Beach Project

Gah! And I'm not right over the road from the beach anymore. Poo. What an idiot.

Friday 28 August 2009


Hop...hop...hop.....PHEW! Widget and Co are back from their lovely long holiday and first off Widget needs your votes! His diary blog Widget's Year has been accepted as a nomination for the Dorset Cereal's Little Blog Awards - and, as it stands, he has NO VOTES!! NO VOTES!! Okay, the reason he has none is because the blog has only just been accepted.... Click on the link below and hit the 'vote' button and it's all done ....

Dorset Cereals little awards

There are lots of updates coming in the next few days as The Bunny Maker rises up through the holiday backlog - Widget still had his picture taken every day whilst on holiday and all those will be added shortly. Keep coming back - there are LOTS of exciting things in the pipeline this autumn!

And now you can vote for this blog too by using the link in the sidebar.

Friday 7 August 2009


As you all know, Global Bunny has been staying on Ocracoke Island, NC with good friend Tricia and her fuzzy doggies. She has had THE busiest time and just sent back these pictures of her time helping Ranger Laura to feed the ponies that live on the island.

I'm amazed that she is still hanging onto her carrot especially considering the size of some of the ponies!

She has also been doing some gardening which she is very happy about. The weather back home in England hasn't been very good for vegetable growing and she is so excited to be in charge of the tomato patch where the plants are actually growing!

The Bunny Maker loves Ocracoke and is hoping that Global Bun will get to go to one of her favourite places, South Point and perhaps find a Sand Dollar or two.

Thursday 6 August 2009

The Missing Carrot and a lost baby..

Oh no! The missing carrot! The lovely Blissknits won a free carrot when she bought Checker Bun during my 100th Bunny Sale Promotion and the carrot didn't arrive! I'm sure I put it in which only means one thing - Checker Bun ate is in transit!!!

She looks so innocent though. All the bunnies are under strict instructions NOT to eat the carrots but she did get held up during postage so perhaps the carroty smell got too much.

Anyway - a new carrot was hastily dispatched. Just as I was packing it up I felt a little tickle against my wrist. Looking down I saw a very small, very sad baby bunny! Checker Bun had gone off without her baby! How awful!
I quickly made a warm nesting bag for Baby Pinky and settled her into a travelling box with the carrot.

I really am going to have to be much more careful from now on! A mummy going off without her baby will not do! There are lots of babies appearing at The Warren making it a very hectic, noisy and bouncy place. I'm going to have to implement some kind of system so babies don't get separated from their parents.

Wednesday 5 August 2009


Remember that Neon Sockbunny also went with Little Spotty to live in the Netherlands? Neon was a little sad when Little Spotty went to live with Tessa but it seems that they are still seeing a lot of each other. Neon has even got himself some wheels ....

I hope he has been wearing a helmet as ears aren't that much protection. And that is not all either......

He's gone and got himself some rollerskates! He and Little Spotty have swapped sleeping bags, they were so pleased to see each other. I'm not sure how Neon manages to steer his skate around corners but I know the bunnies love have their ears streaming in the wind. The bunnies back here are, as I type, trying to construct their own skate out of a Croc shoe and and old beer bottle. It's not going well. Neon certainly looks pleased to see Little Spotty back safe and well from her trip to london.

The Warren has also heard back from Global Bunny on Ocracoke! She's had a very busy time and will have her own post in a day or two. See you then!

Tuesday 4 August 2009

"Quite Smart' bunny gets a new home ...

This is 'Quite Smart' - smart by name and smart by ... er .... design. Tomorrow he is off to live with Dave in California. Dave is starting graduate studies and Quite Smart is to help him. He is already rushing around packing up his travelling box with pencils, calculators, charts and books. I'm going to have to take them all out or he will go over his postage weight allocation!

So - good luck to Quite Smart and to Dave! I hope we get some updates from both of you ....

Sunday 2 August 2009

Does Jeremy Beagle wish he was back with Hotdog and Me?

Jeremy has been a bit jealous of the bunnies' sleeping bags and last night he managed to get into the sock drawer to chose himself a funky top to wear ..

Everyone thought he looked very smart but then The Bunny Maker got all overcome with silliness and made him wear it in all sorts of decidedly silly ways whilst chuckling to herself. He didn't like to object what with only having arrived at The Warren a few days ago and all that ....

Jeremy is now wondering what he has got himself into coming to live at The Warren ....

The Bunny Maker has said that she is sorry and didn't realise that she might be denting Jeremy's doggy pride - it's just that he looked so cute in all the different poses. She has told him that he must speak up if things aren't going the way he would like them to. Jeremy feels a bit happier now but hasn't yet realised that the pictures have been published on the blog ...... oooops!

Saturday 1 August 2009

Little Spotty's visit to England...

An email has just arrived from out Dutch bunny Little Spotty. She went to live with Tessa and has been having a wonderful time every since ....... here is her latest news;

Hello Bunnies,

Tessa and I are back from London!

The trip began sunday evening when I was helping Tessa with packing her bag. And mine! I had my own little bag with my passpoort, a diary and of course Artis de Partis. I tried to smuggle Mister Jummy into a bag, but Tessa saw me doing it. She was a little mad at me and threaten me with saying that I couldn't come to London if I did that again.

Monday morning at 07:55 hour we took the train to Brussels. From there, we took the Eurostar train to London St Pancreas International where we took the metro to the hotel. The room was a double room, so I had my own bed. When we dropped of the bags in the hotel, we went to The British Museum. That was very big. Certainly for a little bunny like me. I really like the things from Egypt. Tessa took a photo of me in front of some sarcophagus.

The next day we went to the London Eye. I was a little bit scared: it's so high! Tessa took me out of her bag and held me very tight so I could see Big Ben. Of course she took a photo of me and Big Ben.

On Wednesday we went to a very big park looking for bunnies. Unfortunately it was a windy day so we didn't see any bunnies. Because of the weather I don't have any photos of me in the park. Tessa was afraid that I would hop away. Because I really like London.

Thursday we went to the Tower of London. In front of a building stood a guard. I wanted to tickle his cheek with my ears, but Tessa didn't let me do that. She told me that the guard had a very big gun and when he would be attacked, he shoots at the attacker. Even if it's a sweet little bunny like me. But Tessa told me that I could go on the photo with them. So I did. As you can see on the photo I look a bit scared.

On the same day we visited the Tower Bridge. Of course Tessa took a photo of me in front of the bridge.

On Friday morning we went back home. At the train station we went to The Starbucks for a nice cup of tea. It was a very nice holiday and I'm hoping that I could go to London again when Tessa is going there in October.

This week I've been with Neon. We had a nice time together.


Little Spotty and Tessa