Other bits of this blog..

Tuesday 31 August 2010

The Bitty Bunnies have arrived!

Widget is not amused.  The Bitty Bunnies have just arrived and he has been told to keep an eye on them.  Harumph.  There are the smallest of the bunnies, bar the baby buns who haven't got their sleeping bags yet.  These perfectly formed and extremely pocket-sized because, after all, everyone needs a bunny in their pocket, right?

As you can see from the picture they are about to exit right, having caught sight of The Warren vegetable patch.  Widget has to tag along behind muttering, 'Hey, no touching!' and other bossinesses.  He really would like them in the shop sharpish, or for another bunny to take on the responsibility but The Bunny Maker has given him a very firm 'No'.
So, to relieve poor Widget of his baby-sitting, and spare The Bunny Maker listening to his relentless tutting and grumbling, please give some of these little ones a home!  Hop to the shop HERE!

A Bunny Family in need: Can you help?

A terrible thing has happened.  An incident with an over-filled water-butt meant a total washout for parts of The Warren.  This little family have lost their Daddy Bun and are in need of a new home.  Their burrow was totally washed away, along with the carrot stores they were laying down for the winter.

Is there anyone out there who can look after them?  Anyone who might have a Daddy Bunny?  Those two little girls are going to need a father in the future, Mini Bun is already wanting her ears pierced and needs a firm hand in these matters.
You can find them the bunny shop on Folksy.... HERE

The Bitty Bunnies have arrived!

Widget is not amused.  The Bitty Bunnies have just arrived and he has been told to keep an eye on them.  Harumph.  There are the smallest of the bunnies, bar the baby buns who haven't got their sleeping bags yet.  These perfectly formed and extremely pocket-sized because, after all, everyone needs a bunny in their pocket, right?

As you can see from the picture they are about to exit right, having caught sight of The Warren vegetable patch.  Widget has to tag along behind muttering, 'Hey, no touching!' and other bossinesses.  He really would like them in the shop sharpish, or for another bunny to take on the responsibility but The Bunny Maker has given him a very firm 'No'.
So, to relieve poor Widget of his baby-sitting, and spare The Bunny Maker listening to his relentless tutting and grumbling, please give some of these little ones a home!  Hop to the shop HERE!

Monday 30 August 2010


Where have you been? The blog is all silent! Summer? Oh okay. You sold out? You did? Wow, Bunny Maker, that's amazing!

The summer is over now and the bunny shop is empty - ish. Time to fill it back up again and what better way than with some deeply cute Hello Kitty Soc Bunnies.

Three cute little ones, waiting for homes.  You know you want them!

Click here to go to the shop via teleportation unit.

Friday 13 August 2010

Bunny Gifts Galore!: The Handmade Bunny is ready!

I really am very excited - The Handmade Bunny website is pretty much built and ready.  The first wave of sellers are all listed, with their bunnified things and also, other animal themed products in the new catagory 'The Handmade Zoo'.

What do you think?  Looking good?  There are a few little bits to add to the bottom there ..... have you noticed the amount we've raised so far?  £265.00! Since August 1st.
Some of the sections are yet to be filled with information - but, give me a day or two and that will be sorted out.  There is also a BLOG, which, right now, offers a solution for your sweaty hay.  If you have sweaty hay, that is.

There is more and more to come and lots of exciting giveaways, promotions and auctions of wonderful handmade things, all to raise money for The Rabbit Welfare Fund.
The RWA has a great website, full of great information about bunnies and how you can help raise awareness.  Here's the link:

Monday 9 August 2010

The Handmade Bunny

The days are getting shorter and shorter and I've even started getting up with the 'term time' alarm at 7.15.  What is going on?  Shall I tell you?  Oh, okay.  The Handmade Bunny is what is going on.

It whilst I was driving.  When I drive I get bothered by ideas, so many sometimes that I have to whap on Radio 5 to stop them coming.  I was driving, it was nice and quiet and I had the most almighty and mahoosive idea of ideas.  An online shop selling only lovely handmade bunny design things, with all money donated to The Rabbit Welfare Fund.  'Handmade help for real-life rabbits' was a phrase which just came (hopped) into my head.
Pet gifts sometimes reach depths of tackiness that I wish I didn't know existed. 

If you own a t-shirt like this I er ... no, I don't apologise.  Burn it.

That night I contacted as many handmade sellers I could find who created bunny inspired things, got the name sorted out, had an offer of donated graphics and bought the domain. 

That was three weeks ago - and, by the end of this week, the website will be ready.  It is live so the people who have donated to the RWF to be listed on it can see how it progresses and check their stuff is listed correctly.

Today it looks like this...

Tomorrow it will look different!  Take a peek for yourself, I have already uploaded a few of the sellers.  Alongside beautiful bunny stuff will be information about how to look after a pet rabbit, how to feed them, which wild foods you can pick for free, where to buy the best bunny products.  There will also be interviews with the sellers and I will be publishing guest writers too.  One of the catagories is 'The Handmade Zoo' where I have, and will be, adding some other animal things from the sellers.

The site is still being built and I have a huge mountain to climb this week, before I'm off on holiday (with NO INTERNET ACCESS) and will have to find an internet cafe to keep on top of things.  I have no idea why I'm blogging now - I have a website to launch ........... *shazooooooom*  (that's me going, btw!)

Monday 2 August 2010

Where have you been, Sock Bunny Maker?

Boing!  Here I am!  Okay, it's only been a week but it feels like a month.  I've been off with Mr Bunny Maker and the three Sonbuns to the Isle of Wight again.  No computer or internet access had a drastic affect on me.  Total collapse.  With no way to get any of my work done my brain and body shut down.  Sleep.  Sleeeeep.  I even went to bed at 9.35 one night.  Unheard of.
We did the usual - chocolate croissants from the shop for breakfast and then off to catch those pesky crabs.  We like to keep score, it's a family thing.

Eldest SonBun got the creative bug and spent hours and hours totally absorbed in the art of stone balancing.

They got broken up each day but he still went back and rebuilt them.  He loved all the attention and comments he got from passersby and even inspired several people to do their own.

On returning home, on the doormat, was a big pile of envelopes addressed to 'The Handmade Bunny'.  What's that?  Aha! Glad you asked....... but I think it should have a spot all to itself - so, you'll have to wait a little while.....