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Friday 1 August 2008

SATURDAY SHOPPING! Go on, have a little spend...

Today is Saturday!! YAY! And in honour of such a fantastic day I introduce.......... *drum roll* ........ 'Shopping List Saturday'!!!!!! A fabulous idea by fellow Etsian Fancypicnic .
Basically I show you some lovely things - there will be pictures and links to the sellers and their shops. Etsy is sooooo huge that its easy to miss thousands of gorgeous things. The idea is to make a mosaic of around 12 items with links to the shops. HOKAAAAAY. I tried but couldn't master the Flickr Mosaic Maker because I'm pants, basically! So each saturday I'm going to feature one or more Etsy shops. It will be a shop that is either new or has yet to make a sale or both. I know how hard it is to get noticed on Etsy and if I can do a wee bit to help someone then I will feel all warm and smiley inside!! But it will be a shop selling stuff that I like, that I am very excited to find and think that you will love too. So, don't expect much jewellery as its not often I get wowed - and this is my blog so you'll have to get what you're given ..... Mwhahahahahahahahahhaahha! (that's my evil laugh BTW)

This week it is WillyWaw.

Willywaw is named after the ferocious arctic winds that sweep down coastal mountains and slam onto the ocean. Designer Ashley van Etten lives in Narragansett, Rhode Island, which to a little British gal like me sounds impossibly exotic and awesome. Gah! I'm jealous especially as when she is not creating she skies, she paddles around in Narragansett Bay and artistically hangs out in such a wild, romantic sounding place. She has also published "Willywaw's Avalanche Booklet" which is in its fifth printing designed to promote avalanche awareness. Good grief, she is one cool chick! On to some products ........... Bags to die for!

Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous ...... one more time...... GORGEOUS bags in two sizes, a shopping size and a smaller tote. Hopefully to come are some shoulder bags too. Ashely screen-prints the fabrics as a whole single bag shape with the writing included in the design. I love the bottoms of the bags almost as much as the bags themselves. "Rhode Island" just sounds magical and far away to me - so the bottoms have sealed it - its a love affair, I'm afraid *sighs dreamily*. And if that isn't enough ..... there are t-shirts! YAY!
That mermaid t-shirt is such a fabulous blue! Oh no, I'm gushing - it's bad when I gush! I really want the Fish one and the Kraken is a definite for the 9 year old - who is ploughing his way through the Pirates of The Caribean films right now - (any excuse for me see Johnny Depp wearing eyeliner) - printed on soft, washed cotton too. I find it even more appealing that each design has a story behind it. The Mola Mola design is inspired by her husband's love of free-diving, the Squid after their boat of the same name, the Sockeye to celebrate the incredible migration the fish undertake. I've had a blast reviewing this shop - and will be slightly poorer after I've ordered some t-shirts and one of those sand dollar bags - I've got a thing about sand dollars ever since I spent a few summers on Ocracoke, NC. Ashley is also planning other fabric items to in the future too. She is multi-talented in a way that I am totally jealous of ... have a look at this beautiful print of hump-backed whales.......

She will be adding note-cards soon too.........
I've just ordered a bunch t-shirts for my three boys who are in wardrobe crisis ....... there are some fantastic colours to choose from and Ashley has been helpful and lovely coping with my "Do you do it in blue?" emails..... you've seriously got to check out this shop because I say so ..... so, off you go ..... shoo!

I'm looking forward to next week already - I've got another treat instore for you for Shopping List Saturday - and a mid-week post coming up too - thrills and spills with Half an Acre ... *coughs*...
For more Etsy finds to read over your saturday morning coffee check out the link list at the side here.


  1. You did great! The blog post compelled me to visit *smiles* I like your excitement and variety of products. Cheers!!! Kelly

  2. Hello, *waves*!!

    Don't think my first comment was accepted, so I'm here again...Great post! Your enthusiasm for the products really shine through! I love the t-shirts. Funky bags too!
    Fab idea to focus on new etsy sellers...it's SO difficult to get noticed - this is a great thing to do.
    Thanks for joining in, Anna. Looking forward to next week!

    x Charlotte

  3. I really like the bags, the patterns are gorgeous!

  4. Love the bags! Very cool! Etsy rocks!
    I've added you to my blog! Hope you can return the favor.
    :) Robin

  5. Your ETSY shop is delightful!

    Come on over to my blog where the coffee's perking and the muffins are still warm!

  6. Hello half an acre!
    Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I've so enjoyed visiting yours - you are a person whose charm and zest are infectious! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Blogrolling... don't know why I missed you the first time!

    How are you?
