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Friday 19 September 2008

Astronaut Andy and a very cute bunny.....

For my Shopping List Saturday (er, Sunday) feature this week I'm switching my attentions from Etsy to Folksy - or from Folsky to Etsy - not sure which way around! Basically I found Tiny Island Books on Folksy and then discovered that there was a Tiny Island Books on Etsy too! So take your pick depending on which land mass you live on!
Ron Stewart trained as a graphic designer and now makes printing plates. He started writing these little books in between doing up various houses to stave off the boredom. The characters came from doodles and some reflect the people he knows. There are thirty available at the moment with more in the pipeline. Ron reckons he has over a hundred of these doodled characters. As each book can take up to a month to write and illustrate. The illustrations are hand-drawn and then digitally coloured by Ron. Due to many requests he is now compiling a mailing list to announce the arrival of new titles.
Alongside the books are fabulous party invitations, greetings cards and my very favourite - bookplates.How cute are they? Not to be out done Ron's wife also has her own Etsy shop Delectabledenim selling one of a kind, individually made skirts, corsets and bags as well as her other shop Tinyisland sells other lovelies such as the cards picture below - which I find alarmingly pleasing ..
PHEW! That's a whole lotta shops! I can say for certain that I might have to have a book or two for a certain festive occasion arriving sooner than I'd like (damn! my Crimbo Quest is sorely neglected) and I love the cards picture above! Especially the bunny!
For more Saturday Shopping Lists there is a list in my sidebar or you can visit Fancypicnics blog for more - 'tis she who invented this brilliant idea!
NOW listen up! I have some subscribers ... yes I do, indeed! How cool is that?! BUT if you look in my sidebar you can 'follow' this blog too. Could you do that for me? Pretty please? I've even moved it around so its level with this post! Then I can see who you are and I can visit your blog and write nice comments about you!
One more thing! The Ukhandmade blog is getting fantastic reviews so do check it out and leave a comment or two. It's full of fantastic British craftsmen, artists and makers. The website will be ready in time for Christmas - very, very exciting! - so I'll be giving regular updates as we head for the launch. Thanks for stopping in!


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