Other bits of this blog..

Sunday 12 October 2008

The amazing power of socks.....

Its been a busy weekend! My old pal Ruth has been here and we've been a-crafting and a-creating our little hearts out! This is why we need to live next door to each other! Our ideas just spill out and we need a big studio full of every tools, material whatever on hand, in nice labelled, neatly stacked shelves stretching from floor to ceiling .... *dreams*...

So - for starters - Ruth made this sock horse from one ladies knee sock - no pattern - just her brilliant crafty mind. I made the sausage dog from the other sock - modelled on my son's favourite manky toy one. We also made sock bunnies! They are the easiest and cutest little things to make.

We also made handmade paper (right hand picture) using my lovely neighbour's in-tray paper shreddings (as you do!) - I'm going to make it into a notebook and give it back to her! I took my 'shrunk-by-mistake-and-felted' favourite tatty jumper and made a glasses case.

The glasses case was useless! No it was fantastic if you wear glasses! But I don't! I guess it could have been a little pouch but another use presented itself .... it is now the sleeping bag home of a little sock bunny (made at the same time as the doggy and horse).
Now, isn't that possibly one of the cutest things you've ever seen? I'm not good sewing - just can't be bothered - but those two things were so easy and so enjoyable - trust me - if I can do it ...... I never realised that socks were so versatile! I knew about sock monkeys but I'm not a monkey fan so they never appealed to me.
Now Ruth has gone home .... I'm a bit lonelier and I have three boys all demanding sock bunnies ... ho hum!


  1. Oh, so cute!! What a productive weekend...are you providing a tutorial at some point, on your blog?? just in time for mid December???!!

    Lovely work xx

  2. Love the bunny in a case! isnt it nice when friends understand how much you need to create and actually do the same...

    show us the notebook when it is done!

  3. Hey...I'm back - you've been tagged. You're so good with all the info you impart, I thought you'd like to give us some more!! xx

  4. the sock plushies are so adorable! they look ready to be adopted lol

  5. Love the sock horse and sausage dog! I just bought some socks for myself like that! Now I'll have to look at them differently!

  6. What innovative ladies you are! I particularly love the sock horse, so cute!

  7. hey, do you mind if i borrow your sock bunny idea? It's so cute and i have a collection of single sock sat doing nothing... not my handknit one tho - oh no!
