Other bits of this blog..

Wednesday 29 October 2008

Half an Acre proves something .....

Yes I do indeed! I have just proved that posting on the Etsy forums can bring you a sale. I was reading away when I saw an avatar that really caught my eye - so I clicked on it - and arrived at Jurphy who will be the centre of my Shopping List Saturday feature this week. Within 5 minutes I'd bought three of her items!! So - this is the banner showing the avatar that did it - it was one of those little houses there ......

So - all Jurphy did was post one comment in one topic and she got three things sold! See - proof!
Now, her shop also make me realise a few things about myself and my shop - I need to re-write all my descriptions. I need to evoke .... This is what did it for me in Jurphy's shop .... are you ready?

"Quaint little saltbox house which I have sculpted from local rock and hand painted to bring the history all around me to life. These houses dot the landscape all over this island I call home, and were the inspiration for my many collections of homes, stages, churches and schools. Many are over a century old and still stand in all their splendor high on the hilltops, down in the valleys and even on the edge of rocky cliffs all over Newfoundland".

So I bought the three that she had in her shop!
I've only show you two because the third picture messes up the composition of my post! Such a prima donna, me!

To me, in overcast England, Newfoundland sounds inpossibly romantic - another reason I ended up at WillyWaw's shop, she of Rhode Island. They sound full of long, wild, empty beaches and driftwood and types of fish I haven't heard of .... and so I want a little part of that life ..... I also love to have things that have a little story - my home if full of them - a seed pod from the south of france which looks like skull - a big round old stone from Crackington Haven which I carried for MILES UPHILL because I had to have it - a coil of vine I pulled off a tree in Atlanta after shouting "Stop the car!!" and leaping out to grab it!!

So now I have a bag made specially for me all the way from Rhode Island and now these three little houses made from Newfoundland local rock to add to all the curiosities....

But back to the point - I need to rewrite all my descriptions - because maybe the fact that I live in a little rural hamlet deep in the English countryside might make someone want a little piece of ...er... what? and English fish? Arghghggh! It doesn't quite work, does it! It does for the Hag stone rounds which I make sometimes - they are stones found on the Isle of Wight with natural holes in them - quite evocative, I think ..... Hmmmm .. I need to re-think!

So -the point? Ah yes - the point is that you might have an Etsy shop, a Dawanda one, a Folksy one etc but if you don't put yourself 'out there' then no-one will find you. If people see you around all the time then you will get more sales. There are two sellers who I see EVERYWHERE! Some so much that if I see them signed up to something I think 'okay, this must be worth doing' - and in their honour I shall list them here because I know how they are working their butts off to promote themselves. Here we go... *drum roll* ......

Dun dun duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh! They both deserve a bit chocolate slice as great examples of what you have to do to make it work. You all inspire me!!

And to prove a little more - today I bought something straight from Twitter - Marceline posted about a new item in her shop Asking for Trouble so I clicked to have a peek - and bought it! Its this cute button bag below. It just so happens that all my buttons are in a nasty plastic bag and this is just what I need (read that as 'want'!).Your buttons need to be cared for in this little bag! Marceline also has an Etsy shop here. So the moral of this is - never underestimate just how much time you need to invest in getting yourself noticed on the internet. So quit reading this and get promoting!! Hint... if you leave a comment I will click on you and check out what you do! Perhaps I might buy something too!
For more Shopping List Saturday lists see FancyPicnics blog!


  1. Oooh, thanks so much for the mention! And it's so great to see that you see me everywhere...you can't really tell how visible you are yourself, so it's nice to hear when other people tell you you are everywhere :D

    By the way, I knew about your shop too, I think from the forums (before Twitter, that is) :)

  2. great post and very interesting, love that you are promoting others and I agree that they deserve the mention they both work really hard, so good job.

  3. I have really enjoyed reading your blog! I'll be back!
    Anice xx

  4. I "followed" you over from Twitter. Great blog! I love the shops you've featured and your's for that matter.

  5. it is true tha one has to be out there to get noticed. Dawanda is super slow and Etsy is super fast and between the two sometimes im glued to the computer a whole day... too much.. but yeah, key.
    love those houses!

  6. The house thing...very catching! Lovely items xx

    You're right about the forum - I read about the importance of a good avatar, because it entices people to your shop...it worked for you!

    It takes up so much time, all of this promoting, but it works. I need to structure myself. Promotion, sewing, promotion, sewing....

  7. i love those little stone houses!!!

  8. you've made some great purchases and I agree about how an avatar can just catch your eye and bring you to a shop. I've found many a great shops that way.

    Just wanted to give you an FYI re: Newfoundland.... uhm.... same colour as England! :D Beatiful!!

  9. Hey, thanks so much for the mention... you never know when you are being watched, sat here in my lounge wear hoping to make a sale! At least I know it's working!!

    She says beaming and blushing! Secretly saying to herself 'and I thought it was me following you as inspiration!!'

