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Wednesday 28 January 2009

All Rise For His Royal Highness King George!

I haven't told you this yet but The Warren used to have a pig! Quite a nice pink, gently grunting, comforting sort of pig. He went to live with Liv. He did indeed. Now, this pig is a tricky pig because he told her that he was indeed a royal pig! Liv, in dutiful fashion, built him a castle such as befits a king. Here he is on his throne, in the throne room.
Now this is all well and good except for one thing. Two things actually. Two things on the left and right of King George. Bunnies. The Warren bunnies are NOT HAPPY. Liv assures me that Mika and Josephine are very happy living at the castle but the bunnies will not be convinced. They think that if anyone is going to be a king it ought to be a bunny thank you very much. I found 9 of them forming a pyramid wobbling up to the encyclopedia in my bookcase. They had just heaved open one of the volumes when I startled them. The pyramid collapsed leaving the bunnies bouncing like little soft balls all over the floor. On the shelf the book remained open. The page was entitled "Overthrowing the monarchy".

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