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Saturday 24 January 2009

Shopping List Saturday - the bunnies are taking over!

Well it's been a busy week - *coughs* - in that I seem to have bought quite few bits and pieces. I really do love to buy from fellow handmade sellers - not only are the things so wonderful but they always come beautifully wrapped and it's like a little birthday all over again. This shopping list is going to show some bits that I felt I 'must have'!
I needed a little notebook to act as a diary for Global Sock Bunny who is off to Kenya in two weeks. I had a little search around on Folksy and found the lovely HMSDesign. Helen Smith makes these gorgous fabric covered sketch books and she agreed to make one just for me. I gave her the size I needed (to fit into Bunny's suitcase) and asked, very nicely I hope, if she could put some text on the front. She stitched 'Bunny's World Tour 2009' onto a patch of fabric to go onto the front cover. It looks wonderful! Not only did she make it exactly how I wanted it but it all arrived only a few days afterwards! Unfortunately (for me!) she also makes lovely 'ribbon flowers' and I was already in a loved-up handmade kinda mood I had to buy three. When they arrived they had such a lovely nodding bounce to them, like summer poppies in a warm breeze (january does this to me) and were so soft and yummy to touch that I immediatly bought two more! I now have a beautiful soft, gently bouncing bunch of flowers. I am happy indeed.
And that wasn't it either! I made Global Bunny a little purse for him to put a coin from every country he visits in but something wasn't right with it. Purely by chance I, whilst bimbling around a few blogs, I saw it! A little pink purse with felt appliqued bunnies with button tales! I didn't even draw breath and contacted the Etsy Uk seller Materialised. Oddly enough I had done exactly the same last year with one of her delicious fabric pouches - saw it featured, bought it! Anyway, I asked her is she could make me one to a much smaller size and in any colour but pink. She could and she did! And, in true handmade style it arrived today just a very few days after our first conversation. It is simply adorable and lined with fab funky fabric to boot.
I wish I wasn't such an impluse buyer! It happened AGAIN with this little felt bunny pictured here. Saw it in a blog feature, thought 'that would make a great 'teddy bunny' for Global Bun!' and bought one! Winsome Hollow's shop is a fantasy in felt. Bunnies and trees, wizards and fairies all teased out of felt. I had a bit of trouble NOT buying a tree or several trees to make a little wood. But, you see, a fantasy wood needs fantasy characters and that means a wizard, a few fairies, definately a whole load of bunnies .........
I can't wait to get this little bunny - he is being made 2" high and the perfect travelling companion for Global Bun. I'm beginning to realise that Half an Acre is about to be over-run by rabbits!
Don't forget, as always, there are more Shopping List Saturday features all listed on FancyPicnics blog - so have a visit


  1. Great to find more new shops to explore...HMSDesign's diary is gorgeous!
    I'm so thrilled the little purse is going travelling with your bunny :-)

  2. What a lovely selection! Hope your bunny has a great trip!

  3. Yes, you did ask nicely! I'm so glad you like everything - thanks for the write-up - and that's a lovely description of the nodding flowers, I may have to pinch it if you don't mind...

    Thanks again

  4. little 'teddy bunny' is on his way, and VERY excited for new adventures! thanks so much... and happy travels, global sock bunny!

  5. oh, that little bunny is just too cute!

  6. Wow, what a great adventure this bunny will have and with such lovely things to take along!

  7. I'm going to have to get myself a sketchbook made now... :/

  8. I'm with you on all of these!! They're all fabulous - not surprised you couldn't resist xx

  9. I love that cute little purse. Very very sweet!

  10. I am in love with your bunny stuff! I have been a collector of bunny items for many years. Now I just need to choose which ones to get!
