Other bits of this blog..

Tuesday 3 March 2009

Widget's Year - a very exciting project indeed!

I have some very bouncy bunnies here. Right now they are hopping around my feet and generally getting in the way. Widget has been chosen for the Flickr 365 Toy Project! A picture a day for one whole year and no cheating either.A digital camera stores the date you take a picture on and that is automatically uploaded to
flickr. The dates of posting/taking have to match -so you can't shoot 10 in one day and then just add one to the group project each day. No, no, no. It's really enjoyable so far but ask me when I'm on Day 64......

DAY 6: Couldn't you use a smaller one, Widget?

The bunnies are sticking post-its all over my desk with ideas for Widget's picture each day.
Some ideas are useful, some are RIDICULOUS but it is good to see them so involved. The Half an Acre new vegetable patch is being constructed on friday and this is taking their minds off it. I don't think I can stand hearing 'How many more sleeps until the carrot patch arrives?" even one more time.
Widget has his own blog so you can see all his days together. Day 10 has just been posted.
Click here for Widget's Year

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