Other bits of this blog..

Friday 24 April 2009


The Warren is so glad to have Global SockBunny back - South Africa seemed very, very far away and she was gone for a whole two weeks - her longest trip to date.
Here she is with her South African Rand, boarding pass and immigration control stamp. She has also acquired an cute beaded brooch which she refuses to take off even at night!
So bunny, what did you get up to in those two weeks? Shall we see what you wrote in your diary?

"I'm waiting here at Heathrows new terminal Five.....waiting still, bags are packed just want to get onto the plane now!!"

WOW that's a big airport for such a little bunny to be all alone in! Oh? You weren't alone? Ahh, I see, you were travelling with Ruth, Ian, Tom and Phoebe. Phew! Thats okay then.

Great view!

"......Arrived in a very sunny Cape Town 35 degrees, phew a bit hot for a northern hemisphere rabbit.
So this is 'Table Mountain', very flat with a wonderful view of the city........"

"Here I am sunning myself on Boulder's beach, the locals seem friendly enough, even if they are penguins..... they can swim much faster than I can. Off to a cheetah farm tomorrow, I hope that they are just as friendly....don't want to be their dinner eek!"

That is the best transport for a bunny EVER!

SO where to next? America!


  1. Hello. Global Bunny has just arrive in America on Ocracoke Island. She is settling into her room for a little nap and tomorrow will start her adventures here in the USA, on this little island. I am hoping to get a post stamp in her passport that says "Ocracoke NC" to document her arrival. Until tomorrow...Trish

  2. Friday Global Bunny will be going to visit the wild ponies here in Ocracoke with the pony caretakers. They promised to take photos. I think she will have alot of fun!
