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Wednesday 6 May 2009

Little Spot and Neon Sock Bunny arrive in Holland.

I was thrilled to send two little bunnies off the The Netherlands last week. Little Spot and Neon were the chosen ones this time. As usual they were totally over-excited at going to their new home. Today I received some photos from them! They look very content and have even made some new friends.

The snake in this picture must be the twin of one we have here at The Warren - not that pesky sock snake! - a green Ikea one, but that one seems to have a little baby too. I've been told that Neon Bunny was very, very brave to get up their on snake and judging by what went on back here at The Warren with Widget and the Sock Snake I'm surprised he event went near this one!

Little Spot Bunny and Neon getting cuddly with the locals! They both look really happy butbut the big bunny doesn't look quite so keen! Perhaps its the language barrier...

The bunnies all love this picture the most. Neon Bunny having his ear kissed by Pip The Hamster. I hope he's not checking out Neon's stuffing for nesting potential!

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