Other bits of this blog..

Monday 22 June 2009

The Chickens hit the shelves.

Ha Ha I love that imagery! Chickens hitting shelves. *SIGH* I'm overtired.
Right - new this week are in fact the chickens in store. I've re-shot the pictures as the last ones were pants. These ones are annoying me too - not sharp enough or is it my poor old

Definately not crisp enough for my liking but how many times can you re-shoot something? I quite like that soft look but is that 'softness' really just an arty way of saying 'out of focus'?
These things are troubling me so I'm going to make some nice strong coffee and ponder a while.
In store here >>>>>>>> CLUCK CLUCK CLUCK


  1. I've been absent recently due to work commitments and just getting to read some of my regular blogs - I'm loving all your new things - the chickens, trees etc. Well done also on the AGA Living feature - lucky you.

  2. Your chickens look great. cluck cluck

  3. I don't know what camera you've got, but if there's a button with a flower on it, use that when taking things fairly close-up.
    It's a "macro" button.
    (Sorry if I've told you something you already knew!)
