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Saturday 13 June 2009

The Movable Meadow goes out again...

Today The Movable Meadow was assembled on Wisborough Green for the local primary school's summer fair. It had to be a slightly smaller than usual meadow as I took a few other bits and pieces - stencil and gardening kits to go with the gardening theme. As usual I had forgotten a float and the selotape and the scissors and the string and the bags and ........ *big gasp for breath* .....pretty much everything useful I might need!
It was a lovely day though - one of those sunny/cloudy very British ones - a bit windy though - actually very windy and that green tablecloth spent most of the afternoon blown out horizontally, forming a big lime green flappy barrier for customers to wrestle with.

I sold a few bunnies and some other bits and pieces and spent a nice afternoon in a very comfortable deck chair lent to me by the stall next to me (forget a chair), in the sun, reading my book (in between customers, of course!). I did, however, witness something quite extraordinary. Maypole dancing to U2 and Take That!! Very radical of the school. Maypole dancing in June and with great music. So, with Take That blasting out 'Greatest Day' over the green, I was a very happy bunny indeed!

I bought this little hanging basket thingy from the stall next to me and Stripey Pink Bun had a lovely time swinging in it in the wind. She refused to get out and let any of the others have a go.

This evening I am loading a whole bunch of new bunnies into the bunny shop so don't forget to stop in and have a look ...... click here to go there very fast indeed.


  1. LOL! You'll forget your head - sounds like a grand day out. Love the may pole dancing to "proper" music.

  2. hi there just wanted to say that i love your display, i myself spend an equal ammount of time giving my stall a theme and have been told that its a waste of time,,,i donT agree yours would have been the 1st stall i visited! XX HERES A BIG THUMBS UP FROM ME X

  3. Sounds like you had a really good day overall - your display looks lovely!! I like the sound of the maypole dancing to Take That!
