Other bits of this blog..

Friday 24 July 2009


Checker Bun is off! She is going to join Huckleberry, Treacle and Harriet Sockbunny in Michigan on 'The Farm'. She was selected to work on the farm because she is fantastic at arranging, organising and checking up on things. Treacle and Huckleberry might have to realise that it's not all play and no work.
Here she is in a box ready to be posted. She's even packed her own notebook ready to start work!
She is also bringing some of Harriet's mystery plant seeds so Harriet won't miss out on seeing what the plants look like when they grow and flower.

Widget and Nosey Mouse are going to help me take her to the post office in the morning.


  1. This is too exciting. I haven't told Huckleberry yet. He's too busy trying to keep Treacle from spending his money right now. But I think it's all going to change very soon! Thank you Checkers!!!

  2. Ohhh---we need to tell you that Huckleberry lives in Michigan not Minnesota. It's mostly the same thing though--northern state, cold, lakes.

  3. aha Lisel and baby meep are mine! I also make sock creatures (sockimals) and they have come to life with my inhouse residents at my sockimal adoption center! x
