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Sunday 12 July 2009

A very British day .....

It is Sunday today and the day of the boys' school summer fair so we had lots to do beforehand....

There were vegetable monsters to make .....

And seed tray gardens to assemble .......

The weather was lovely - which was a relief as yesterday, saturday, was pants.
There was a ballon race, tug of war, farm animals to pet, cakes to buy, a tombola, May pole dancing and a whole heap more. Half an Acre had a stall as usual and the bunnies were on display too.

I have to confess that the above (and left) seed garden was a stolen idea from Dan Jackson - I hope he doesn't mind. There is an adults display table and, being an irritatingly creative family, we are the ONLY people to put anything on to it and I feel the need to come up with something curious and entertaining each year! So, for once, I was drained of any ideas at all so I stole one! I'm hoping that linking to Dan will make up for it! DAN'S SHOP >>>> CLICK HERE!

I am so pleased that the boys are at such a wonderful school. They are allowed to (seasonally!) play in the dirt, throw snowballs, get wet and play with sticks. I value these things. They have really benefited from the inclusive ethos of the school and my eldest especially has changed from an anxious worrier to a cool, confident, self-assured dude-in-the-making.
So BIG thanks to Mr Potter, head-teacher extraordinaire, for looking after everyone so well and making school a pretty good place to be ....


  1. Very cool veggie monsters.

    Isn't it brilliant to find a school that works for your kids instead of against.

    Please, please, please let Toot's school turn out like that in August:)

  2. For a lovely blog and, for bringing us Widget . . .

    You have been chosen by me to receive a lovely blog award. You can get the award picture from my blog.

    The rules of the award are:

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    2. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered.

    3. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

  3. That looks like fabulous fun

  4. I love making veggie monsters too - and I don't have kids! Who needs them as an excuse. Love the little figures in your seed trays!
