Other bits of this blog..

Monday 21 September 2009

Shadow meets Princess Bunchy.

Last week Shadow Sockbunny was posted off to live with Pomona and her family at their fabulous home in Kent. The bunnies were reading her blog for ages and ages, all about how they grow their own vegetables, keep pigs and chickens, make beautiful preserves and other evocative and enviable practices. They were very, very jealous of the gorgeous orchard - how wonderful to hop and bounce through!
(The Bunny Maker was very interested to read that B&B was available there too..)
Shadow was destined to belong to a certain Princess Bunchy - a name everyone here has instantly fallen in love with! She sent us this message:

Dear Widget ,
When I came back from school today I had such a such a lovely surprise - a little box had arrived for me in the post, and out popped Shadow! Shadow has made some nice new friends and they have been playing hide and seek in the garden. Here are the pictures for you to see.
Lots of love
Princess Bunchy

And some great pictures...

Shadow is sunbathing with his new friends!

Playing Hide and Seek!

Everyone here is hoping that Pomona, Shadow and Princess Bunchy keep in touch and The Bunny Maker is hoping that Mr Bunny Maker might quite fancy a stay at the B&B - Rifleman Cottage!

1 comment:

  1. Shadow is settling in nicely, and even went swimming tonight - but very sensibly he stayed on the sidelines with me!

    Pomona x
