Other bits of this blog..

Sunday 20 September 2009

Update on the pet situation

I did have a pet (see the post below). I loved him. I loved my spider. I told my husband that I'd written a blog post about it.

"Oh", he said, "I've just put it out."
"Yup, I used your scarf and flicked it out of the window."

I am bereft.

UPDATE (on the update): There is a new spider in the bath! He is an 8th of the size and he has the full compliment of legs ........


  1. Men sometimes just don;t grasp the strength of emotional bonds sometimes, do they?

  2. sorry couldn't look at the last post due to the photo.

    (you know what phobia) can't even say the word LOL

    but I did rescue a mouse from Tia and put him in the garden

    My sister would have a pet you know what living in her house.

  3. Poor Mr Spider. But he may survive in the world, you never know. He may even be considered unique and wonderful in the spider community, and become a model or something.

  4. Hello there!
    Are you the Half an Acre who left a message asking about the Letter Swap??
    I just did a google search and there were a few blogs with the same name!
    If you are, please pop back to my post which has the list of swap partners. If you aren't, well never mind - I enjoyed finding my way here!
    Denise x

  5. Hello Anna
    Great to have you on board for the letter swap! The French Bear had left a message saying she was interested. I've sent her a message today and I'm waiting to hear back. If she comes back to say she's interested in having a partner, I can match you up. If you wanted to get in touch with her too, here's the blog link: http://blog.thefrenchbear.ca/
    Denise x
    PS: your link worked this time, so maybe Firefox was having a mad moment when I tried earlier!
