Other bits of this blog..

Saturday 12 September 2009

Woof Woof!

There are always comings and goings at The Warren and today was no exception. Jeremy Beagle was very excited when this parcel arrived because he felt sure he recognized the handwriting. Not only that, he could hear a muffled woofing coming from inside.
Everyone gathered round to help with The Opening.

Jeremy said the parcel was from Hotdog and Me, and he was right! Inside was a typically lusciously wrapped present with extra sparkly button.
"Oooooo preeeeettty", said everyone.

Inside Jeremy found Bones! I can't tell you how pleased he was. Bones was a little dizzy from the journey but some nuzzling from Jeremy made him feel better.

Bones had also brought some goodies with him; a smart pair of socks (for The Bunny Maker) and some tasty doggy treats. Wisely these were not pear drops because everyone knows what happened to the last bag!

Jeremy took Bones out and about to show him 'things'. They didn't get very far as they had so much news to catch up on.

The Bunny Maker thinks that Bones is possibly the cutest thing she has seen (which is upsetting quite a few bunnies, dogs, mice etc) and keeps whisking him away to snuggle and chat to him. Jeremy thinks this is very annoying and Nosey Mouse isn't best pleased either as it used to be her little button nose that received all the attention.
Jeremy is even less amused because he has just been told that he is looking a little grubby and might have to have a wash and brush up! He has been very loved, and somewhat carted around and could do with a clean. He is going to be hard to catch!


  1. Ha - what a brilliant set of pics! Don't they look like a couple of 'butter wouldn't melts'!

  2. I am so pleased he arrived ok, especially after DAVE went missing!!!
