Other bits of this blog..

Tuesday 13 October 2009

5....4....3...2....1....LIFT OFF!

I've finished it. What do you think?

It is interesting how these things come about. I designed the shapes for my new Outer Space stencil set but had some kind of interuption of signal between the nerve endings in my brain and asked Les to cut them all out in 4mm ply. DUH. All the other sets are in 6mm. So poor old Les had to re-cut them all and I was left with 20 of each of the above 5 shapes. Poo. Now those 4mm pieces have a new purpose assembled as mobiles. I never intended to do mobiles but then I never set out to make bunnies out of socks and look what happened there!

I haven't quite got the balancey bit with the cross-bar thingy right yet and when you buy one you will have to assemble the cross-bar bit at the top yourself - so I'm just working out how to make that nice and easy and neat. Apart from that 'tis done and listed in my Folksy shop. I'll have to make them up to order but that does mean that you can choose different colours if you so wish.