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Saturday 7 November 2009

Ever met a Norwegian Lurgle?

No? You are just about to then. My pal Hotdogandme sent lots of us Folksters a sock making kit to make whatever we fancied from it. The results go into the Crafteroo Children In Need shop on Folksy to raise money for the charity. The full price of the item goes to the charity. YAY.

My Hotdog kit arrived two days ago and last night I made a Lurgle. I can whip up a bunny in a few minutes (having made nearly 500 this year it is hardly suprising!) but this took me about 3 hours!

Lurgles are funny little creatures, designed to clean up after biscuit eating. Usually only found lurking at the edges of Fjords this one seems to have left it's native habitat probably due to the Great Norwegian Biscuit Crisis.

If you are a particularily messy biscuit eater then this little creature could be just what you are looking for. You can find him in the Crafteroo shop right now - and remember that EVERY PENNY goes to Children in Need.

Click here to go to the shop

1 comment:

  1. how lovely. I could do with one that would eat the crumbs from my lunchtime roll at school instaed of getting up and depositing it on staff room floors
