Other bits of this blog..

Wednesday 13 January 2010


It seems that all the bunnies bought before Christmas arrived safely in the new homes and have all had a fantabulous time over the holidays.  Our latest news is from The Farthest Most Northern Division of The Warren, all the way in Alaska, home of quite a large number of the sock bunnies!

These were the three bunnies who went to join all the others, all boxed up and waiting to be posted off....

And below are pictures of them in their new home and their message to The Warren...

Oh Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree...you're just the right place for sockbunnies!
Well I have not been to the blog in a while, and I see Monkeybun beat me to it. But I thought I'd send this along, just in case. :)
Sorry for taking so long to update you on the Farthest North Warren's newest members. They arrived just in time for Christmas Day and as you can see by the pictures below, they got on with helping decorate the tree straight away!

I marveled that they were so good about not gobbling their carrots on the trip over! Such willpower!

As they were finishing up, some sad news arrived from a dear friend of mine. A terrible tragedy had befallen her family due to an irresponsible person in her neighborhood. :( Upon hearing this, Father Christmas bunny set his face in a mask of resolve and insisted at once that I pack him back up in their traveling box so that he could be sent immediately by post the next day to give some cheer to my friend (who has wanted a sockbunny of her very own for some time now) and to place some well-deserved coal in a certain someone's stocking!

So Pudding Bun, Reindeer Bun and the rest of the bunnies in the warren bid him a tearful goodbye (so brave, he, to venture forth on this quest that would make most sockbunnies tremble!) and thanked him for coming to personally make sure our Christmas was a Merry one. We all begged that he give us news as soon as he reached his new destination.
He arrived some time later, safe and sound, at my friend's doorstep in Oregon, much to our relief. He has made quite an impression in his new home and is full of news about two living bunnies who were there to greet him along with my friend. And due to his irresistible cuteness, there is some talk about how her hubby will relent and perhaps allow her to bring home a sockbunny friend for him one day. :)
We will miss his jolly face. But we know that she is already taking great care of him. She even had some snacks ready for him the minute he arrived.
Thanks once again for allowing your dear bunnies to become part of our family! We're currently huddling in some serious subzero weather (about -40 F) and doing our best to keep one another warm and toasty! Luckily we have many blankets to huddle under, because I do not knit or crochet, and anyone who can is a marvel to me! :D

Blessings to you and Widget and all the Warren Bunnies! 
Happy New Year!
Mary (a.k.a. BunMum) and the Farthest North Bunny Clan


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