Other bits of this blog..

Friday 22 January 2010


On Wednesday Widget went on a very exciting trip to Kitty Pinkstar's Wishing Tree in Upton Park, Poole.  He had been feeling fired up and brave after his trip to the butchers - deciding that perhaps bunnies can do things on their own in the big human world.  He also had a wish to make.  A very important wish, for a bunny at least.
He called his pal, Hotdog Hannah to see if they could meet up.  The answer was a big YES!
After much planning and excitement they discovered that The Wishing Tree was 'quite a long way off'.  Two hours a long way off to be precise.  Widget decided that, brave though he was, he did in fact need the Bunny Maker to take him there, and Hotdog needed her human to drive too and she agreed to take a day off from making more Hotdogandme doggies to make the trip.

They met at The Peacock Tearooms in the park.  The Bunny Maker was very pleased to meet Hotdog's human.  Widget has brought lots of organized Wishing Tree finding equipment; a map, binoculars and his special compass.  Before they set off for the tree they need to deal with some important business - carrot cake.

Hotdog and Widget set to work.  It took a while .... but they got throught it.  Hotdog needed a lie down!

After a digestive snooze, Widget and Hotdog were ready.  They studied the map which, incidentally, the Bunny Maker had drawn INCORRECTLY.  Can you believe it?  A human, so useless?  Pish, should have got a bunny to draw it!

Widget wrote his wish on one of the tags that The Bunny Maker had brought.  He worried that she had blue ones when Kitty was so pink.  Surely a totally thoughtless oversight?  Oh well, it was too late to change them.

Widget manned the binoculars, to check for danger, foxes and a clear path to tree.  He used his Bunny Scout Knowledge to check the wind direction, angle of the sun, the alignment of Jupiter with Saturn and the wind from the left.
"Come on, Widge" grumbled the Bunny Maker.

They all set off.  Suddenly, there it was, glowing, a shimmer of colour on the dullest of English January days.

Widget and Hotdog tied their wishes to the tree and then demanded, yes, demanded, a photograph.

Widget hopped around the tree, getting all wet and muddy and the announced he'd like a picture taken with this wish.

Widget!  Honestly!  I really thought you would wish for something a little less altruistic!
After reading ALL the wishes on the tree Widget found his favourite ...


  1. Hee hee :D That's great - the sock puppets make friends :) xx

  2. Ah so cute! Hotdog and the human had a great time and were also very pleased to meet the bunny maker and Widget.

    Lets do it again, Chumley said she would like to meet up next time :)

  3. That is indeed the best wish on the tree! Everything is better with a bunny!

  4. oh I just love the sock doggy :p

  5. I wish I wish I wish I'd had a share of that carrot cake - yum yum!

  6. Two sock puppet makers unite! For carrot cake, wishes, and pictures! That sounds like a great afternoon!

  7. You could almost believe they were real :-) how you've told the story is superb, their adventures would make wonderful childrens books!

  8. You finally made it, well done! I just wish I could have been there too.

    That carrot cake looks delicious, one of my favourites!

  9. Such a lovely story (get that book Published)

  10. This is so sweet! I love the photo of them studying the map :D

  11. brilliant! I loved reading about the tree, so it was great to "virtually" visit it with you. wish I could have come ;-(

  12. What a brilliant adventure that was Widget!
    pam x

  13. That is excellent - I hope hotdog enjoyed his lie down, he looked like he needed it!

  14. Wow, I had so much fun reading that. What a great adventure! Widget is hilarious and what a great choice of his favourite wish!

  15. Sad I couldn't have meet widget too, but looks like a fab time by all, and I just love widgets wish lol :-)

