Other bits of this blog..

Monday 22 March 2010

The Bunny Maker gets a new burrow.

Sock Bunny Maker's studio workroom
It all got too much.  The old burrow was just too small.  Or was there too much stuff?  Either way, something had to be done.  So it was. 

Sock Bunny Maker's studio workroom

The boys were turfed out of their playroom, the carpet was ripped up, the walls repainted (busy, busy) and a new floor laid (with aquablock thing for 'large spillage' protection).  It all got very messy. If fact the whole house somehow got turned upsidedown.  It reached a crisis of such messiness that the Bunny Maker had to go next door for a restorative glass of red.

Sock Bunny Maker's studio workroom

Then, like a Phoenix from the ashes, her workroom arose .......  :D

Sock Bunny Maker's studio workroom

It's still not finished as some shelves will run the length of that wall on the left - made from sanded and waxed scaffold boards.  Then there will be no NO JUNK on the floor.  Ha!

So, today sees the Bunny Maker seated at that desk, unable to find anything, with custom orders backing up, but bathed in the warm, fuzzy feeling of being able to arrange corners of the room ...

Sock Bunny Maker's studio workroom

..endlessly, thus getting not much work done apart from some dedicated and blissful faffing.... and arranging of important bits ...... and Chameleons...

Sock Bunny Maker's studio workroom

The Thnakes were hoping for a basket to hang out in but got to hang over yet another door...the blood rushes to their tongues and makes them very miserable.

Sock Bunny Maker's studio workroom

There is a a dedicated packing up table too.  Soak up that image because, come next week , that table will be piled up with 'stuff' because, no matter how hard she tries, the Bunny Maker is messy, very messy.

Happy, happy, happy.


  1. It looks great! Enjoy your new space. Claire x

  2. Gorgeous!! I need more rooms....

  3. Not jealous at all, honestly (gnashing teeth....)

  4. Wish I could have MY own room..... lucky bunny maker.

  5. much jealousness is eminating from hotdog's and bettys place!

  6. Wow! I love looking at other craft rooms - I'll just have to carry on dreaming : )

  7. Oh my! What an awesome workspace!! I am so jealous - I would love my own little workroom rather than being squished in a corner between spare bed and fellas drumkit!

  8. Its so bright and open! A definite improvement :D

  9. Waaaaaaaaaah, wanna room wanna room wanna room. I WANT A ROOM:(

    I'll even take your old one.

  10. It's gorgeous... but where's the TV? I would kill for a room like that but I like to watch movies while I'm having a big sew-in!

  11. Watch them on the laptop next to the sewing machine :P

  12. Fabulous - what a great workspace. Love the colour. Elaine

  13. What a great space, how lucky are you. I'd gladly turf everyone out of everwhere to get that amount of space.
    Jak x

  14. Wowww! That looks fantastic!! Also coveting your chameleon

  15. He came from the gift shop at The Eden Project :)

  16. Wow! What a transformation - it looks lovely now!
