Other bits of this blog..

Saturday 27 March 2010

An Easter Event.

Today the Bunny Maker took everyone out for the afternoon to an Easter Fair at the local pre-school.  It was a jolly event.

The bunnies' display table has a new addition .... Karl (don't ask) has joined us to hold business cards in his nice green bucket but today he had a more seasonal job to do.  Plastic egg carrier.  Lucky Karl.

The Thnakes came too.  They weren't impressed.  Someone bought the Thinging Thnake and Gween Thtwippy Thnake (below).  Being crammed into small baskets for decorative effect are not what they want to do of an afternoon and they were both very happy to be taken off to new homes.

Then something BAD happened.  The Bunny Maker spotted THIS .... across the room.

It was too horrible .... The bunnies on the table got very aggitated and wanted to start a protest.  The Thnakes wanted to mount a rescue operation. Everything was very worrying. 

After a lot of heated discussion the Bunny Maker convinced the bunnies that the bunnies involved in the 'bashing' must be having fun because they kept jumping back up for more.  It seemed to settle them down for a while.

Some of the bunnies hid.   Some of them put together a petition to sign entitled 'Stop Cruelty to Bunnies at Easter Events'.  To the point.
Luckily it all came to an end before they could think about it all too hard and the Bunny Maker shuffled them back into their travelling tub trug and into the back of the car before any trouble 'went down'.

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