Other bits of this blog..

Monday 10 May 2010

A Message From Barnaby B. Bun

sock bunny rabbit

 Remember Barnaby B. Bun, The Warren's sailor bunny?  Well, he was very quickly bought and he set sail for his new home.  Fresh from the high, salty seas of his journey he writes.....

dere bunni maker,
i has arrived at new ome.  Miss other bunnis but new owner has lettus sanwichs n carrot cake so v. happi. Shes put the rum out of reech tho so no yo ho ho for now. Must go as eers are hurtin from this typin.
Barnaby b bun 

PS (from bunny-adopter) - thank you, he's gorgeous. 
We'll keep in touch - possibly after Barnaby's had a few English lessons.

Thanks for letting us know that you got there safely Barnaby!  We can't wait to hear about your adventures...

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