Other bits of this blog..

Wednesday 19 May 2010

News From Summer Bun and Basil in Florida.

Summer Bun went to live in Florida a little while ago, closely followed by Basil.  Something to do with his very smart tie, we think.  It took a little while for them to arrive because 'Merica' is a very long way away, according to Widget, but, we have just received a message from them .......

Hello to everybun at The Warren!  
This is Summer Bun with Basil and we are happily settled into our home in Florida.  Everyone was excited and very happy when we each arrived!   

sock bunny rabbit

When I arrrived,  my family had a Welcome party for me and gave me my own toy bunny.  I  met a new friend named Skipper and his dog Scooter.   When Basil arrived there was more excitement and we had a Welcome party all ready for him!  

sock bunny rabbit

 Basil and Skipper have become best friends and spend their day talking about everything and anything.  Skipper liked to hear all about the famous Widget and the other bunnies at The Warren. Skipper is very impressed with Widget and says Widget is a bon vivant and bunny about town--actually anywhere and everywhere!  
Today Skipper and Basil were discussing chocolate chip cookies (biscuits) and agreed walnuts should NOT be added; extra chocolate chunks are okay but no walnuts!
We have our very own travel basket and like to go for a ride in the car and do errands.  

sock bunny rabbit

We hope all The Warren bunnies find families to love them like our family loves us.  
Happy Summer Days to everybun at The Warren 
Summer Bun and Basil!

1 comment:

  1. awh how fab that they like their new life in florida!
