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Tuesday 15 June 2010

Sock Bunny News: Lawrence and Barnaby Bunny check in!

Lawrence and Barnaby Bunnies went to live with Clare in London, but it looks like they have been having some lovely countryside adventures....

'Lawrence and Barnaby have settled in nicely and are best bunny buddies.'

sock bunny rabbits

'One morning, the bunnies noticd that it was nice and sunny outside, so they asked the 'Ooman' if they could go for a day trip. Two little bunnies can be quite difficult to resist.'

sock bunny rabbit

'Yes, the Ooman had made them a bunny hammock!  The Ooman may or may not have issues with a misplaced maternal instinct.  Turns out the Ooman is also pretty handy when it comes to bunny-based transport solutions.'

sock bunny rabbit

'Everyone piled into the car and off they went.'

sock bunny rabbit

'It was a lovely day for a walk in the country. Whilst the Ooman wrestled with a map, the bunnies hopped off to find the best bouncing, snoozing and snacking spots.  The Ooman couldn't work out how they knew where to go - perhaps they've been here before?'

sock bunny rabbit

'They were especially delighted to see so much lush green grass.  There was a lot of munching, nibbling and chomping.  A few happy hours ticked by in the sunshine.'

sock bunny rabbit

'Then the Ooman realised that she couldn't see the bunnies anywhere.  A frantic search ensued.'

sock bunny rabbit

'Thankfully the bunnies had climbed into a tree and waited in a convenient hollow until the handbag-transport could come and pick them up.  How sensible.'

sock bunny rabbit

'Just in the nick of time too - a hungry owl was on the prowl!'

sock bunny rabbit

'Lawrence and Barnaby wasted no time in climbing aboard.'

sock bunny rabbit

'Not wanting to be out late with a hungry owl on the loose, everyone decided they'd had a lovely day in the sum and it was time to go home.  The Ooman noticed that the bunnies were quick to snuggle back into their sleeping bags and hop into the bunny hammock.  It wasn't long before she heard the sound of little bunny snores.'

sock bunny rabbit

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