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Thursday 23 September 2010

The Handmade Bunny Giveaway Winner is picked

Phew! That was fast!  Thank you so much to all of you who signed up for the first Handmade Bunny Giveaway.  It was all over in a few hours and, as soon as this one is finished I'll be launching another one, as we exceeded the 25 people signing up.

The bunnies have been quite bored today, it's raining and they really don't like getting damp ears, so a few gathered round to see what was happening.  Carl offered his felt basket to hold the entries and Widget dithered as usual.

He said it 'needed stirring' and spent far too long finding a suitable spoon.  Everyone got a bit impatient but, at last, the winner was picked.

YAY!  Everyone clapped and 'Happy' bunny got down into her jute bag ready to be packaged up.
"Hang on," said The Bunny Maker, "We need her address before we can send you off."

Congratulations to Sarah-Beth - We will be in touch!


  1. Yay! Made my day to win this. Will post a picture of her when she arrives.

  2. I love your blog, it is such fun, and Widget is adorable..Em x
