Other bits of this blog..

Saturday 8 January 2011

A quiet festive season? - Part 3

Continuing the 'Parter' theme, of what I got up to on the crafting and making front over Christmas, I present ...

A fuzzy green apple.  Made for Bun Son 2, who wanted one for his favourite toy horse.  He also wanted 'a friend for Horsey' (Horsey being said fave toy).  I bought what was probably the hardest pattern in the world.  Or it could be because the only other pattern I have ever bought and made was for pyjama bottoms.
Anyway ..... I managed it.  He's a big dodgy in places ...

But looks pretty good if you don't have too close an inspection.  He is made from brown suedette stuff with cotton apple fabric (requested by Bun Son).

I am also determined to learn to crochet as I have a need to make a miniature army of ninja zombi amigurumi creatures.  This book is on its way ..

In the meantime I am teaching myself stitches and generally getting tangled up and using it all as an excuse to shop for lovely colour cotton yarns, needles, hooks, markers and other habby bits.

I'm making the little dog pictured in the book (for BunSon 3).  I've got as far as half a head, an ear and a nose.  It's going better than i anticipated.

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