Other bits of this blog..

Monday 28 February 2011

Monday in The Burrow

So that was Half Term?  Pshaw, certainly gone quickly, eh.  Time to wake up and get back into The Burrow then.  What's a-happenin'?

I've started to paint up these mini fish for an order for wedding place settings.  50 weeny versions of my big bunches of fishies.

They are 4cm in length.  I have a free reign for colours and designs and am relieved not to have to come up with many, many variations of pink and white, in true wedding tradition.

Bouncing around in the background are a whole load of (very pink) bunnies, all waiting to be packed up and sent off to Japan.

I'm very excited that 25 of them are off to a lovely shop in Tokyo selling handmade British thingies.  Getting the bunzies to the home of all things pink and cute is excellent indeed.  One more step towards world domination!

So far that's it for the start of the week.  I've also got to get all ready for a house sale i'm having tomorrow - just selling off loads of bits and bobs for £5 and under.  A couple of friends are coming this evening to get in there first too.  So far everything in in boxes looking very unready.  So why am I here blogging .....

Tuesday 15 February 2011

In which The Bunny Maker has a spot of bunny trouble

It was going well.  There were new bunnies arriving to have their photos taken for the shop.  The Bunny Maker had everything all set up nicely, Wilf was posing ready for the shot, when she noticed something.  Something troublesome.

Wilf Sock Bunny

Can you see anything?  Yes, exactly.  Bunny chewing.  Real bunny chewing.  Nosy and Spike chewing.  Not only are they systematically trying to fell my work table by nibbling through the MDF legs but they are setting about remodelling my light tent.  Grrrrrrr.
But the miracle that is Photoshop came to the rescue and Wilf was retouched and cropped and got ready for his shop debut.
Wilf Sock Bunny
The Bunny Maker was left muttering (as she often is) about bunnies and real bunnies and chewing and nibbling and annoying pesky things .....

Wilf is looking for a new home and you can find him in the shop on The Bunny Makers NEW website.  It's very yummy and she is quite pleased with it.

Thursday 10 February 2011

In which The Bunny Maker nearly trips over ...

The Bunny Maker opened the door this morning and nearly tripped over.  Tripped over with surprise and because she nearly stood on three little bunnies.  Standing, shivering and a little damp, on the doormat were three Eastery Bunnies.

"How early are you?" She exclaimed, "I've only just got the Christmas ones packed away and put the Love Bunnies in the shop for Valentine's Day!"

"We know we are early," squeaked the bunnies, "but we really don't think that people will only buy us for Easter."

"I suppose so," said The Bunny Maker, "come on in then, you look very cold."

After hot chocolate and Wagon Wheels the bunnies were all warmed up and ready for their photograph to be taken.

They did have a little grumble about the three eggs being plastic and NOT chocolate but apart from that it all went rather well.  They are now, very excitedly, waiting in the bunny shop on Folksy for new homes, leaving The Bunny Maker grumbling about lack of space, too many bunnies, who's eating all the biscuits etc etc

Wednesday 9 February 2011

The Bunny Maker is famous ... (she thinks)

Oh yes.  Oh yes indeed.  I have column inches.  I have almost a whole page.  I am featured in the latest issue of the RWAF magazine 'Rabbiting On'.

I would just like to say that that is NOT me sky-diving.  I am the one looking, with rather sickly expression, at the basket of bunnies.  Trying to get a photo of me not looking grim was very distressing and I had to employ heavy usage of the 'Photoshop Botox' tool.  I still think I look 25 and always get a nasty shock when I see the 'real me'.  I suppose you want to know what it says?  Okay .. *engage speed typing function*

Handmade help for real-life rabbits
Designer and bunny owner Anna Hull, who runs a small craft business selling sock bunnies from her West Sussex home, has come up with a novel idea to raise money for the RWAF.  And in just six months has raised an amazing £500.
The Handmade Bunny was founded on 1st August last year and is quickly becoming the 'in place' to look for beautiful handmade products inspired by our bunny friends.   The artists featured on the site all pay an annual subscription in the form of a donation to the RWAF.
The Handmade Bunny was born of her involvement with the handmade online community, combined with her passionate support of the RAWF's 'A Hutch is Not Enough' campaign.
Anna told Rabbiting On: "I was driving one day and this perfectly formed idea popped into my head, along with the phrase "handmade help for real-life rabbits".  That night I messaged as many people as I could to invite them to join the project, bought the domain and drew up the outline for the website.  Our cute bunny logo was donated by an online contact and within three weeks the site was up and running with twenty sellers on board.
"On the site we have a great range of items including silver jewellery, custom pet portraits, water colours, fabrics, toys, stationery and cushions.  Each piece is lovingly designed or made by hand by fabulous artists and designers and all feature our favourite furry friends.  These is also a 'Zoo' section with other animals from woodlice to dogs to unicorns," she said.
"I wanted people to discover what amazing things the people I know are making," Anna explained.  "I have my own shop online, selling my sock bunnies, and every day I come across beautiful things made by artist, just like me, who are struggling to show the world what they can do.  Selling online is extremely difficult and this is my way of doing a bit to help at the same time as raising money for a fantastic charity.  At The Handmade Bunny you can shop for your bunny-loving friends and help the bunnies you love at the same time!".

There you are - that's what it says!

Monday 7 February 2011

Monday in The Burrow

Well - another Monday is here - boooooo. Pretty dreary but lots of things are happening at The Burrow workroom.  A little order is off to Pink Blancmange, a soon to be launched website.  These are limited edition Mother's Day bunnies ...

I've also painted up the new range of wooden bunnies, to go on sale in my shops.  I've shifted ten of them already so i'll have to get busy now making some more.

Also in the pipeline are some more hanging birds.  I had these for sale about two years ago, but never repeated them for some reason.  So ..... here they are, on their way to be strung in twos.

And, remember I said I was going to teach myself to crochet this year?  Whatever it took - I was going to be able to do those cute amigurumimimilumi things?  Dun dun duuuuuuuuuun

I have to say that the pattern book was @$*& and, in the end, I kinda had to make it up myself.  Either that or I'm just @$*& at reading patterns.  So, the start of my rainbow ninja army.  Only 43 more to go.