Other bits of this blog..

Monday 28 February 2011

Monday in The Burrow

So that was Half Term?  Pshaw, certainly gone quickly, eh.  Time to wake up and get back into The Burrow then.  What's a-happenin'?

I've started to paint up these mini fish for an order for wedding place settings.  50 weeny versions of my big bunches of fishies.

They are 4cm in length.  I have a free reign for colours and designs and am relieved not to have to come up with many, many variations of pink and white, in true wedding tradition.

Bouncing around in the background are a whole load of (very pink) bunnies, all waiting to be packed up and sent off to Japan.

I'm very excited that 25 of them are off to a lovely shop in Tokyo selling handmade British thingies.  Getting the bunzies to the home of all things pink and cute is excellent indeed.  One more step towards world domination!

So far that's it for the start of the week.  I've also got to get all ready for a house sale i'm having tomorrow - just selling off loads of bits and bobs for £5 and under.  A couple of friends are coming this evening to get in there first too.  So far everything in in boxes looking very unready.  So why am I here blogging .....

1 comment:

  1. Do you mind me asking what shop this is!? I love Tokyo and I didn't realise there was a shop overthere specialising in British handmade <3
