Other bits of this blog..

Monday 14 March 2011

The Warren opens up for Bunny Holiday!

Its been a long time in the planning but, like spring, it has finally arrived! The Warren Bunny Boarding is now open for business.  There's a website ... www.sussexbunnyboarding.co.uk

And THE BEST bunny accommodation EVER for your buns. I've maxed out on space - the largest housing covers 81 square feet - not including access to the lawn. I'm thinking of moving in myself!  We've also got space for Guinea Pigs, rats, mice, gerbils etc etc plus I would love to look after some reptiles too.
The website has loads and loads of pictures of the accommodation on it, so I won't post any here but you can look HERE.

This area above is going to be for Nosy and Spike now.  It's down the side of the house, away from the main garden.  The shed at the back is going to be converted for them, the fence has been bunny proofed with wire, there is going to be a nice fence and gate thingy where I am standing taking the picture.  The flower beds there have been cleared - mainly so I could wire the fences - but also to mamke way for lots of bunny friendly herbage. The kitchen door is just on the right there - so, they will be able to hop in and out of the house and still be safe.  I've bought a three storey hutch for them, to go into the shed.  They iz spoilt bunz!

The Warren has its first guests booked in - two bunnies and three guineas. I'm really very excited.  I've bought lots of exciting things from the garden centre too - but you'll have to wait for the next post for that .....


  1. You are a one woman Bunny entrepreneur! It's fab! Whatever will you think of next!

  2. What a fab idea, I shall post about you on our guinea forum as I am pretty sure there will be lots of peeps wanting to know about this we also have lots of bunny owners.

