Other bits of this blog..

Monday 6 June 2011

Hippo Birdie To Me ....

Hippo birdie to me
Hippo birdie to me
Someone hacked my paypal
and stole my money

Yes, 'tis true.  And I hab a stinkin' colb.  It is also 4am and my throat is so dry that I have had to get up.  Are you feeling sorry for me?  I've sorted it out but it put me overdrawn in my bank account which has incurred charges, so I have the faff of getting it repaid.  Boooo. Don't like faff. 

I would just like to say a big hello to my brother's hairdresser who reads this blog *waves* who, as my brother says, seems to know more about me that he does.  Well, dear bro, if you perhaps read my blog *ahem*!  (My brother also makes inappropriate jokes about bunnies so he is in disgrace to begin with).

Since I announced I would be taking a little time out some people have exclaimed "No more bunnies? You're stopping making them????!! wahhhhhh!".  Not true, bunny lovers, I am still here, and I have opened my shops back up again.  I have sorted out a hooooooge pile of rubbish off my desk and have actually got the kids to school in the right order.  Now I feel I can cope a little better and the house isn't such a tip.  Please, there are bunnies needing homes, and they - need - YOU  (points in a poster type gesture).

I have given up two part-time jobs which were taking me out of the house too - phew! I needed the money but The Warren Bunny Boarding is taking off in a wonderful way and I even have a fully booked week in July.  We also need a new boiler (bye bye 2k) and the house stinks of oil - booooo.  This means we can no longer re-vamp our kitchen.  *sniff*.

All is not lost - I have successfully crocheted a squid!  I wanted to learn and I have.  He is a fabulous squid and I will post pictures today (ish).  How can a foot high crocheted squid not fail to make life seem better?

What did I get for my birthday?  Pukuuuuurk!  Chickens!  Well, a chicken house for chickens.  The house arrives this weekend and the chickens after the summer.  Three Pekins and two Frizzles.  Our garden is a disgrace anyway so they can't make it much worse!  We have no lawn at all - just bare, baked earth - chicken scratching heaven.  So, Mr Bunny Maker now has to deal with .... two bunnies, innumerable guest bunnies, Scooter the hamster, two bored fish and five chickens.  Serves him right for not letting us get a dog.
Now, what else can I sneak in?

1 comment:

  1. So *that's* what chickens say ;-)
    Happy belated birthday xx
