Other bits of this blog..

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Bunny Maker? Where are you?

I'm here! Honestly I am.  It's just that it's been .. er .. kinda hectic here.  Well, not here exactly, but inside my head hectic it has been - exactly.  Yup.  Sometimes my brain gets so full that nothing happens and nothing gets done and I sit in the middle of lots of confusion drinking wine and wondering why I'm feeling so anxious. So, the upshot is that I had a little time out.  No sewing of sock buns, no blogging, tweeting or anything really, just a whole lot of Castleville on Facebook and being a good (debatable)parent to the boys. 
There have been changes at The Warren too.  The most significant and materialistic change is that I, finally, have one room of our house 100% how I want it.  One room of any house we have ever lived in really.  Up until now we have lived with half our taste/stuff mixed with the previous owners taste.  Bleughh.


I don't any superdooper pics of it yet but this is a little taster of it's gloriousness.

 (Thank you Grandpa Bunnymaker xxx)

Many other things have happened too. My beautiful Nosy is now a much loved house bunny, in a quite, calm, adult home, with free run of the place.  Spike is all loved up with a lady bunny and starting his new life in his new home.  I am so pleased that they are finally able to have what they both needed.  I will write a post another day about them and my (apparently controversial) decision to rehome them both.
Now at The Warren are Liffy and Bumble (Mini Lop) and little Yeti Bun.  Liffy and Bumble were both rescue buns who I bonded together. I got Bumble before Christmas and chose him just for Liffy.  Both are what is called 'Black Otter' in colouring which makes their pairing doubly cute. 


Liffy grooming Bumble

Yeti is my house bunny who has been confined (much to her disgust) to my workroom!  She has eaten the entire house and chewed through 3 MacBook power cables at £60 a pop!!  Mr Bunny Maker only knows about two of them.  (Another post coming about house bunnies and chewing in the pipeline too).  She is waiting (not that she knows it) to be bonded into a trio with Liffy and Bumble, to live outside. 
New arrivals also include The Chickens. Purkuuuuuuuurk!

From the left: Patrick, Gherkin, Blancmange and Plankton.  NEVER let boys name chickens.  They took b*&@?y ages to start laying but we are now getting a definite three a day with a 'double-yoker' about twice a week from Patrick.  I think her name might be the root of the irregularity.  They did have free range of the garden but, after covering the patio in the most diabolical poo on the planet, now have a lovely enclosure (built by Mr Bunny Maker) to be confined to.

The Warren Bunny Boarding was chock-a-block over Christmas.  On the day itself we had 16 bunnies and two guinea pigs here. Everyone has gone home now and I am looking forward to wielding the pressure washer and giving everything a pre-spring clean out.

I have much much more to tell you all about but long blog posts are tedious to read.  I am now in blogging mode so expect normal service to resume!  See you all soon ....


  1. So lovely to have you back - my girls were asking about sock bunnies the other day . X

  2. Wow! I love your colourful kitchen, it looks fab! Welcome back too! xx

  3. I love your bunnies!!! come over and join me at www.sewcraftykathy.blogspot.com

  4. Your kitchen is fantastic!
