Other bits of this blog..

Friday 14 September 2012

The Bunny Maker opens something new ... Wohooooo

The Warren Annex is open.  It took a long time but, at last we can all say 'Ta daaaaaaaaaaa!'  This Autumn also sees us going into part partnership AKA 'an interesting arrangement' with next door neighbour, Linda.  Linda runs Digby's Dog Holidays and lives bang smack next door.  We get on like a house on fire with her telling me my house is a mess and me, getting my own back, by trampling dirt over her tidy floors.  We get through a lot of wine.
When I am away (and, yes, I do have to do that as I have the three bun sons) she looks after the whole shebang and keeps things ship-shape.  Just a single stare from Linda and everything tidies itself up.  Here she is opening The Annex...

The Annex is insulated and can be heated in winter meaning we no longer have to turn away house bunnies and indoor piggies in the colder months.

In the picture is one house.  Each level is 8' x 3' x 3' and joined by a ramp through an 'ole in the top floor. That's a total of 48 square foot of bun moving space as well as enough height for upward stretching.  We can close up the trap door and use each level for Guinea Pigs too.  Obviously we can add hiding places, tunnels and other levels depending on who is staying.  We've only got two of these so, if you would like to board your buns here from the end of October onwards please, please book early!

There now, what a sensible post that was.  A bit better than the Giant Metal Chicken one.

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