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Tuesday 17 June 2008

My Paint smells of chicken.........

It does .... really! It smells of chicken! But not nice, Sunday roast, stuffing and yummy gravy chicken - but strange, been warm too long on a sunny window sill chicken. It's horrible - and I have to use it! The two offending paints are in the picture ..... Look at them closely so you will recognise them ..... They never used to smell like this .. so why now? My other ones have that nice, painty, comforting smell - these two make me wretch! Yes - I will be chucking them out soon - but that blue is a good one - although, I have to say, it has lousy spreadability - goes on horribly - but it is a great blue. Using paint so much really makes you realise how different they can be. Surprisingly I find the most common paint of all, Dulux, to be the one that goes on the best . Homebase paints aren't great and Laura Ashley ones - yeughghg - terrible, terrible spreadage. Second only to Dulux are the beautiful Designer's Guild paints - I could live and die with these colours. The purest tones you will ever see - simply gorgeous. Most of my house is painted using them including the plantain shutters in the living room - a divine pale turquoise. Although the chicken blue paint above is a great blue - it's lousy paint - streaky, patchy, bad flow to it - so I guess its not so bad that its days are numbered. I'll have to find a similiar tone in a different make. Meanwhile I want to find out what it is in the paint that makes it smell so bad - does paint go off?


  1. Like your craft your blog is very bright and cheerfull, one can't help but smile.

  2. Poor you. Nothing worse than the smell of warm, going-off chicken (I speak here as a non-meat eater...lol). It is a seriously lovely blue though. Hope you can find a good replacement.

  3. not exactly chicken soup for the soul, is it? lol

    enjoyed reading your blog.

  4. the colors are beautiful. I love that red. But yeah, it they smell and on top of everything they dont work well...good bye.
    My husband, who does similar things, uses also dulux and other dutch paints which arent the most expensive in the world...just goes to show that price tags dont mean quality, right?

  5. I'm going to stick your link in my bloglist for when I need a smile :-)

    we might almost have been neighbours, I lived in Pound Hill Crawley a few houses ago.

  6. Could be that the pigment is starting to separate from the binding agent & there is a weird aging reaction taking place that is coming through in the smell. I paint part time (decorative wall treatments) but have never come across either of these brands so I can not say for sure. Maybe they make them with chicken broth or something as a thinner :)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog btw! Your blog is no such thing as frivolous, I am enjoying reading about your daily life and will be back to read more :) that's the beauty of blogs, they are each person't personal expression :)

    ~ Jenn
