Other bits of this blog..

Wednesday 11 June 2008

welcome to my toilet!!!

Not the most inviting title for a post but my downstairs toilet it really qiute a nice place to be! As is most of the house, it's covered in dust gathering bits and pieces. So, starting on the left ... two wooden mirrors I painted, thought about selling, no-one bought, so I hung them here. Above and below are little Valentine's pictures I made for my husband ... I don't know what hanging in the loo says about our marriage! Far right is a photo of me, aged 1, frowning and looking generally worried, which i was. There are several other pictures, as you can see, none of real note, the obligatory hanging heart, long starry wooden decoration which took me ages and then didn't get around to selling (this happens alot!). I haven't replaced the tiles yet - on the far right - so that bit is a bit scrubby. Behind the door, which you obviously can't see, is a bookcase with some amusing titles such as "Eating people is wrong" , "The Roman Catholic Guide to Birth Control" and more amusingly "Queer Fish", plus the usual loo books ....about eating shoots and leaves,
whiskey, crap holidays,f irst edition prices and a pile of curious boy's magazines from the 1970's entitled 'World of Wonder". This one pictured, right, says is all - Go, Mark!
Actually the behind the door bit is much more interesting than the photo shown! There are also my marmite jars (!) - my favourite being the 'I hate....' edition, several photos of my husband and I looking fresh, uncreased and stupidly fit (sigh), my eldest son's first shoes (lime green boots) and a lot of dust. The carpet has been taken up - I have three boys so I will not explain any further - so the floor is bare disgrace with gripper rod edges. I did bang all the nails down so we wouldn't shred out feet. I thought that was nice and caring of me! I'm wondering if these World of Wonders are worth anything now - the cover pictures are fabulous in their own right. *Goes off to Google such things*


  1. I love your pink funky toilet.Great job !

  2. I love this funny post. Great colours in the loo and very interesting things to read and look at whilst attending to other things....! I had to laugh about the three boys. I had (and still have) two brothers and I know what you mean.

    The pic of Mark Spitz was co-incidental too (for me that is). I was just thinking of him recently because we have just discovered unknown relations in Oz and the husband's cousin is Shane Gould who also won several gold medals at the 1972 Olympics. Strange world..lol

  3. ooo I love your toliet!!! lol! Pink rocks!

  4. beautiful toilet! now i want to decorate mine!

  5. Wow, I love your toilet!

    Thank you for your comment in my blog by the way! :) I'd love to exchange links too! I will add you right away!

  6. Great pink! It's so nice to see someone else with bright colors on the walls. My kitchen is tangerine and I LOVE IT! Ooooh, I'll have to take pictures...

  7. Hi ,
    just came over from flickr, discovering some new blogs to read.

    Your bathroom looks great!
    So funny, I have 2 boys, no carpets and gripper rods!(not quite for THAT reason, I hasten to add, I am getting a new floor soon.I hope.
    However I'm not so nice a mother that I've banged the nails in.Good to keep them on their toes!

  8. I wish I had a funky pink toilet too!

  9. I used to have a bathroom that colour!11 It was wonderfully kitche with Christmas decorations. Our new bathroom is light blue. I am all tempted to change that now!!!

  10. What a gorgeous loo :D I want to hang pretty pictures in my bathroom now.
