Other bits of this blog..

Saturday 17 January 2009

The Love Bun has landed!

Love Bun is here! I heard a little tap tapping at the door yesterday, opened it and noone was there! I shut the door. Tap...tap....tap. I opened the door again, looked out and still nothing. Just as I was closing it again I heard a little shuffling sound. Hopping up and down on the doormat was this little bunny!! I crouched down and she bounced up and nuzzled into my neck! It was Love Bun! I'd forgotten that Valentine's Day is just around the corner and it is her favourite time of year! We took some photos today - it was her idea to have the big heart. She wanted you to know that she was indeed 'made with love'! Some of these bunnies are very willful, you know.
I have put her into The Warren Sock Bunny Shop so you can give her to someone you are a little bit warm and fuzzy about....

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