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Saturday 17 January 2009

Valentine's Day hops into view....

Just when you think you'd got through Christmas the next 'festival' rises its ugly head. The only good thing about Valentine's Day is that it stops the Easter eggs getting into the shops any earlier!! What with those two three events plus anniversaries and birthdays I run out of ideas for gifts for everyone. BUT Half an Acre saves the day!! Actually, that's not true - the bunnies save the day! Yes, the sock bunny empire is threatening to eclipse poor old Half an Acre - *sob*. Today saw the arrival of Love Bun - just in time to solve the 'What can I give for Valentine's Day THIS year' problem. Here she is:

Guaranteed to bring some warm, fuzziness into your day! There is a little bit about her arrival on the sock bunny blog. I didn't see her at first .....


  1. Thanks for your interest in my garden blog. I shall try writing an article for your magazine, so watch this space...


  2. Hi Anna - I was going to get back to you after reading your comment on my home blog. I would very much like to consider writing an article for your magazine. How soon would you need one, for the Spring issue deadline? Time is very short at the moment, and if I couldn't meet the Spring issue, maybe I could provide something for the Summer issue? On Tuesday we are off on holiday and then once back, I return to work.
    Looking forward to hearing from you with any details. Apologies for leaving this as a comment, I have tried e-mailing twice but mailer demon has returned the messages! x

  3. your bunnies are super cute! They are a good present, and your hand painted hearts are too!

  4. I love the valentine bunny. How cute!

  5. That bunny really is cute!! Is she called Cleopatra or another love inspired name?
