Other bits of this blog..

Wednesday 9 December 2009

The Spike

Something arrived in the post today that will change my life.
Dun dun duuuuuuuuun! It is ......... The Spike.

It even has a little rubber cap on it to de-spike the spike when it is not spiking.
No more slipping-around piles of receipts toppling off the desk and wafting to the floor. No more 'Mind my paperwork' shouts when the kids 'borrow' my laptop. All will be spiked. Pinned. I'm trying this one out but I envisage a blissful row of spikes all controlling my papers, all in date order ready for my seamless accounting *chokes on mincepie*.
It's the simple things in life - and don't you forget it. Now, back to what you were doing ....


  1. Cracked me up! I nearly spat my tea over laptop! Let me know if it works, I too have becoming organised!

  2. That is awesome! The "spike" has ever changed your world!

  3. Perhaps I should put one of those on my christmas list....

  4. Oooh where did you find that? Reminds me of my dad's old shop when I was little, he had one :)
