Other bits of this blog..

Tuesday 8 December 2009

Tally Bun heads out for the day ....

We have had some more news and photos from Tally in Alabama, it seems that she has been out and about lately and has been given her own special carseat. An imaginative adaption of the mobile holder.

She has also been busy choosing her new bed!

It looks like she is having much better weather over there in Alabama than the bunnies back here at The Warren!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, beautiful sunset Tally! Hider is been in pretty bad weather here in Utah, all that white fluffy snow is fun to play with, but very bad for hiding... So he's been keeping busy hiding int the Christmas tree and getting bear hugs from his polar friends! Has Tally chosen her Christmas gifts already? Was that what the Wal Mart trip was for? :)
