Other bits of this blog..

Tuesday 30 March 2010

The BM excels herself in the matter of parenting.

I am feeling like a smug parent.  Not only have I combined craft with education, I have actually finished a task I started!  Bunny Maker's Son No.1 has a new desk.  'The Desk of Knowledge'.

Inspired by the boys' love of The Map Table and the fact that they all know where the Gulf of Bothnia is (seriously, there is one), The Desk is covered in facts and knowledge courtesy of Schotts Miscellany and The Ultimate Book of Lists.

Son No.1 chose the main desk colour, which the BM sprayed with her new and fab Montana Gold spray paint.  He chose Fuchsia Pink.  This is because, being the BM's son, he likes to do the opposite of what is expected of him.  So, a ten year old boy should NOT chose PINK.  So he chooses pink.  The BM is proud.

It has useful information such as the chemical structure of caffeine and lists of phobias, cloud formations and Pi to about a thousand places.  All great stuff for a small boy with an insatiable curiosity about the world.  And the BM got to cut and stick and 'create' something.  All-round happiness at The Warren.


  1. Oh, my number 1 son would love that too! His would be all about Greek mythology and dinosaurs though. Who needs normal?!

  2. did you clear coat it, so as to maintain the integrity of the knowledge contained on the desk?? or shall it fall into disarray as the map desk did? (you know the old ModgePodge thing.... coat it in clear drying glue?)

  3. what a brilliant way to pick up knowledge

  4. It has got 5 layers of matt, heat resistant varnish on it!

  5. That's such a brilliant idea. My ds is after a desk in his room, may well consider your great idea to make it more interesting. Loved the map table too.

  6. jealous once more. can I come and be your daughter?

  7. I absolutely love it and so would my two eccentric sons!
