Other bits of this blog..

Wednesday 19 January 2011

BUNNY NEWS: We hear from Cosmos Bunny

Widget was beside himself. It had been a long time since any news from 'sold bunnies' had come back to The Warren, and most of the bunnies have long gone given up waiting for the postman. Sniff.

The other day The Bunny Maker called everyone into The Burrow workroom and showed them an email from one of their oldest friends Cosmos!

She said;

"I've had a snowy Christmas and discovered a new treat of pinky goodness; coconut ice!  Apart from carrots they are my favourite food but I was only allowed one, despite staring longingly at them for hours, nobody relented, hmph.  Before Christmas I helped to choose Morris sockbunny to go and live with our friends and I hear he is settling in very well, hopefully I'll get to visit him later in the year!

Bye for now,
Cosmos xo

What happy bunnies there are here! Bouncing and boinging all over the place, annoying The BM, scattering all her tax return papers all over the floor. She was VERY pleased to hear from Cosmos though and soon forgave the mess.

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