Other bits of this blog..

Wednesday 26 January 2011

In which the Bunny Maker has her life changed...

I took this picture ages ago and meant to blog about it but forgot. It seems a bit strange now harking back to Christmas but I was given something that has changed my life.

Here it is ....

My life-changing selotape dispenser!  You have no idea (or perhaps you do) of the seconds, nay minutes, I have wasted trying to find the end of the roll.  Finally, after having a very childish showdown with a very stubborn roll, I announced that all I wanted for Christmas was .....

"A selotape dispenser, but one of those like really, really heavy ones like you get on your desk in big companies from proper stationery shops and in a really dull colour, nothing fancy and shiny - a PROPER dispenser. Don't forget, it has GOT to be heavy."

I got one - and 5 new rolls of tape.  Packaging up orders is now fairly pleasurable.  Ho hum, its the little things.


  1. I must agree! These devices are life changing! I got mine from the local pound shop - the best pound I have ever spent in my life!

  2. 'easy threader' is my life changing object! like this one http://bit.ly/f4u8Bl For threading elastic in waistbands and cord in drawstring bags etc saved me hours!

  3. I got one too!!! Its red and I only used half a roll of tape for wrapping presents I was amazed! I love it sooo much its very very handy and every desk must have one!


  4. I got mine at the pound shop too and it has made gift wrapping so much easier

  5. Oh I love my sellotape dispenser! But the parcel tape was worse, I could never ever find the end, and then it would tear... the dispenser thingy took a while to get the hang of and it makes the tape very very noisy but it saves me sooo much time and frustration!

  6. I couldn't do without my tape dispenser (even though it is a little bit broken). Hubby keeps promising to replace it - bless - perhaps for my birthday!

  7. my best thing at parcel wrapping time is my address stamper (free from vistaprint) so I don't have to write my addy on the back any more.
