Other bits of this blog..

Tuesday 30 March 2010

The BM excels herself in the matter of parenting.

I am feeling like a smug parent.  Not only have I combined craft with education, I have actually finished a task I started!  Bunny Maker's Son No.1 has a new desk.  'The Desk of Knowledge'.

Inspired by the boys' love of The Map Table and the fact that they all know where the Gulf of Bothnia is (seriously, there is one), The Desk is covered in facts and knowledge courtesy of Schotts Miscellany and The Ultimate Book of Lists.

Son No.1 chose the main desk colour, which the BM sprayed with her new and fab Montana Gold spray paint.  He chose Fuchsia Pink.  This is because, being the BM's son, he likes to do the opposite of what is expected of him.  So, a ten year old boy should NOT chose PINK.  So he chooses pink.  The BM is proud.

It has useful information such as the chemical structure of caffeine and lists of phobias, cloud formations and Pi to about a thousand places.  All great stuff for a small boy with an insatiable curiosity about the world.  And the BM got to cut and stick and 'create' something.  All-round happiness at The Warren.

Sunday 28 March 2010

The Bunny Maker gets more new stuff

It has certainly been a very exciting month at The Warren.  What with a new workroom and now .... a kitchen revamp.  As soon as The New Burrow was finished a whole shebang of shelves were built in the kitchen. The Bunny Maker is in seventh heaven but this does makes her wonder what the other six are all about though.

The ones on the left still need to be painted white but all the plates and kerfuffle had to be put onto it as it was way too tempting.  It has all got to come off again this week - but who cares, it was eighth heaven loading it all on.  (Son No.3 is eating chicken, in case you are interested). The other shelves ....

..are made from sanded scaffold boards which will be waxed using wire wool later on.  The white, beachy washed out look is lovely but Mr Bunny Maker wants the waxing for 'durability and protection'.  Yawn.
Tomorrow, work starts on scaffold board shelves all down the wall of the new workroom.  This is almost too much for the Bunny Maker and she has nearly burst with joy spray-painting all the baskets to line up on them.  These Montana Gold paints from Graff-City are possible the most amazing discovery ever for the BM.  She has been spraying everything - chairs, baskets, old storage drawers, bunny beds etc.  It dries in seconds and covers EVERTHING.  There are 180 (yes, one hundred and eighty) colours to choose from.  It is almost too much. Ninth heaven indeed.

To celebrate all this newness there is going to be a caption competition coming soon.  The prize will be a custom bunny of your choice.  The BM will announce it shortly....... over and out.

Saturday 27 March 2010

An Easter event.

Today the Bunny Maker took everyone out for the afternoon to an Easter Fair at the local pre-school.  It was a jolly event.

The bunnies' display table has a new addition .... Karl (don't ask) has joined the crew tp hold business cards in his nice green, felt bucket but today he had a more seasonal job to do.  Plastic egg carrier.  Lucky Karl.

The Thnakes came too.  They weren't impressed.  Someone bought the Thinging Thnake and Gween Thtwippy Thnake (below).  Being crammed into small baskets for decorative effect is not what they want to do of an afternoon and they were both very happy to be taken off to new homes.

Then something BAD happened.  The Bunny Maker spotted THIS .... across the room.

It was too horrible .... The bunnies on the table got very aggitated and wanted to start a protest.  The Thnakes wanted to mount a rescue operation. Everything was very worrying. 

After a lot of heated discussion the Bunny Maker convinced the bunnies that the bunnies involved in the 'bashing' must be having fun because they kept jumping back up for more.  It seemed to settle them down for a while.

Some of the bunnies hid.   Some of them put together a petition to sign entitled 'Stop Cruelty to Bunnies at Easter Events'.  To the point.

Luckily it all came to an end before they could think about it all too hard and the Bunny Maker shuffled them back into their travelling tub trug and into the back of the car before any trouble 'went down'.

An Easter Event.

Today the Bunny Maker took everyone out for the afternoon to an Easter Fair at the local pre-school.  It was a jolly event.

The bunnies' display table has a new addition .... Karl (don't ask) has joined us to hold business cards in his nice green bucket but today he had a more seasonal job to do.  Plastic egg carrier.  Lucky Karl.

The Thnakes came too.  They weren't impressed.  Someone bought the Thinging Thnake and Gween Thtwippy Thnake (below).  Being crammed into small baskets for decorative effect are not what they want to do of an afternoon and they were both very happy to be taken off to new homes.

Then something BAD happened.  The Bunny Maker spotted THIS .... across the room.

It was too horrible .... The bunnies on the table got very aggitated and wanted to start a protest.  The Thnakes wanted to mount a rescue operation. Everything was very worrying. 

After a lot of heated discussion the Bunny Maker convinced the bunnies that the bunnies involved in the 'bashing' must be having fun because they kept jumping back up for more.  It seemed to settle them down for a while.

Some of the bunnies hid.   Some of them put together a petition to sign entitled 'Stop Cruelty to Bunnies at Easter Events'.  To the point.
Luckily it all came to an end before they could think about it all too hard and the Bunny Maker shuffled them back into their travelling tub trug and into the back of the car before any trouble 'went down'.

Thursday 25 March 2010


The bunnies are getting well into this Ice Hockey thing after the Bunny Maker took a custom order last week for two hockey bunnies.  They are skating around the wooden floors of The Warren using teaspoons for sticks and a button for a puck.

Ice Hockey custom made sock bunnies

The Bunny Maker isn't minding too much as it all seems to be having a very good polishing affect on the floor.  Although they have just been caught trying to cram a tray filled with water into the freezer ........

Ice hockey custom ordered sock bunny

These two bunnies were a custom order for Rachel from Brian Sherbert Clothing Designs on Folksy.  She plays Ice Hockey and wanted a bunny in her team colours and one for her BF too.
Custom orders are available through the Bunny Shop on folksy.  Just send the Bunny Maker a message.

Wednesday 24 March 2010

Bertram B. Bunny - Baritone

He's finished.  I do enjoy a custom order.  This is Bertram B. Bunny and he is about to sing in his deep, rich bunny baritone.  A song for carrots, to carrots, about carrots, and for the love of carrots.

music singing sock bunny

But first he has to be parceled up and sent off to a lovely lady living in Alaska. Everyone is worrying about whether that bow tie will keep him warm enough out there but the Bunny Maker has said 'Tsssk, Quiet! Summer is on it's way" and Bertie is looking forward to summer concerts and ice tea.

Monday 22 March 2010

The Bunny Maker gets a new burrow.

Sock Bunny Maker's studio workroom
It all got too much.  The old burrow was just too small.  Or was there too much stuff?  Either way, something had to be done.  So it was. 

Sock Bunny Maker's studio workroom

The boys were turfed out of their playroom, the carpet was ripped up, the walls repainted (busy, busy) and a new floor laid (with aquablock thing for 'large spillage' protection).  It all got very messy. If fact the whole house somehow got turned upsidedown.  It reached a crisis of such messiness that the Bunny Maker had to go next door for a restorative glass of red.

Sock Bunny Maker's studio workroom

Then, like a Phoenix from the ashes, her workroom arose .......  :D

Sock Bunny Maker's studio workroom

It's still not finished as some shelves will run the length of that wall on the left - made from sanded and waxed scaffold boards.  Then there will be no NO JUNK on the floor.  Ha!

So, today sees the Bunny Maker seated at that desk, unable to find anything, with custom orders backing up, but bathed in the warm, fuzzy feeling of being able to arrange corners of the room ...

Sock Bunny Maker's studio workroom

..endlessly, thus getting not much work done apart from some dedicated and blissful faffing.... and arranging of important bits ...... and Chameleons...

Sock Bunny Maker's studio workroom

The Thnakes were hoping for a basket to hang out in but got to hang over yet another door...the blood rushes to their tongues and makes them very miserable.

Sock Bunny Maker's studio workroom

There is a a dedicated packing up table too.  Soak up that image because, come next week , that table will be piled up with 'stuff' because, no matter how hard she tries, the Bunny Maker is messy, very messy.

Happy, happy, happy.

Sunday 14 March 2010

Custom Sock Bunnies: Batbun flies again ....

The Bunny Maker have just had yet another custom order for a Batbun so has made the decision to offer them on a permanent basis.  Hurrah.

Batman sock bunny

You can choose from a selection of plain colours for the bunny and he will come with a Batman logo on his sleeping bag and a removable supadoopa cloak.

Batman sock bunny

This little blue on is on his way to DottydoesDaisies.  He is trying to fly there and keeps yelling "Open the door, I'm on my way!" but the Bunny Maker just catches him in her big butterfuly net saying that he has to go the normal bunny way, safe in a travelling box.

Batman sock bunny

It isn't known if they are actually safe to be flying around.  Being airborn is not a typical bunny state.  It may be necessary for flying lesson to be taken and licences issued. 
CLICK! Custom Batman Sock Bunnies ready to order here at Widget and Friends.

Thursday 11 March 2010


It has been a little quiet at The Warren lately.  Well, not quiet in the usual sense of the word as the bunnies are very hoppy and noisy by default but quiet on the news front.  It has been a week or two since the bunny mail box has had its little flag raised signifying that news has arrived from their friends out in the world.  BUT, at last, we have some!  YAY!  News from out friends in Oregon ......

Dear Bunny Maker and The Warren bunnies,

It's been a busy bunny year so far!  There are now 7 bunnies here, all cute and snuggly and full of opinions on what I should do. T hey suggest getting more of their friends to come stay, we'll have to talk about that more later!

They pooled their noms together tonite, with the eggs the 2 newest brought with them, there was a total of 8 eggs and 6 carrots. They're telling me to make sure to get an extra carrot next time, BatBun didn't get one when he came! I told them I'd make sure BatBun got one ordered next time.  BatBun also told me I should talk to you about ordering a sidekick for him.  He heard somewhere about somebunny named Robun... I told him it was Robin but he didn't believe me.  I'll have to show him the cartoons, I suppose.

Anyway, just wanted to let you know all of the buns are safe and happy, and stuffed with nommy food.  I've attached a couple pics of them dividing their booty, and a nice group shot together.

Happy Easter!


Monday 8 March 2010

The Bunny Maker is crying...

She is.
She is sobbing because she has a pile of 60 socks all ready to make into Easter sock buns.
Six zero.
Six O.

 The last lot of Easter bunnies sold like hot ....er .. bunnies so it makes sense to make up a bulk load.  The remaining three came out to have a look at the sock mountain.  All their excited bouncing knocked the already wobbly pile off the table making The Bunny Maker a bit cross about the ears.
"Shoo! Get out of here naughty bouncy bunnies", she shouted in a quite cross voice reserved for irritating sock things.
It's sore fingers for The Bunny Maker this week .....

Saturday 6 March 2010


Widget went to Madeira with The Bunny Maker and her family over half term.  It was windy!  Actually it was very windy and very wet and half the island got washed away.  In the picture is Funchal. See all those browny bits in the sea? That the mud that got swept down in all the rain and torrential river water.

On one of the days everyone got in the cable car in Funchal to ride up to the Botanical Gardens at Monte.  Widget found this quite exhilarating!  His ears got quite out of control...


The gardens were amazing (and wet) but held all sorts of alarming things for a small bunny.  Widget got into quite a few tight spots ...


He just wouldn't let go.  Widget squeaked and squeaked "A mad Japanese man has got hold of me! Help!" and there was much commotion as The Bunny Maker tried to release the vice-like grip.  It was all a bit odd.

Shortly after this picture was taken that stone rabbit head-butted Widget!  You would never have thought that an exhibition of African art could be dangerous.

He really does only have himself to blame.  He insisted on trying to creep up on these lions .... hehad to hide in The Bunny Maker's pocket for ages afterwards.

It was dark and a little spooky in the crystal exhibition.  The big blocks of spikey rocks were all a bit menacing for a bunny. 


He needed a restorative beer after the visit - for medicinal purposes.
The rest of the holiday was quite peaceful for Widget - just hanging out with The Bunny Maker - well, actually hiding in her bag for quite a bit of it as Madeira is very mountainous and the driving pretty hair-raising!  He didn't see any bunnies there either - perhaps it is all to rocky for burrowing.
He is glad to be home now -having missed all his Warren chums quite a bit - he brought them a Madeira cake to share. 

Tuesday 2 March 2010

Get yourself on the map...

If you are in the UK and you make stuff - handmade stuff - you know what I mean - then get yourself onto this pretty cool map.
Craft Nations Unite have just launched this Google map to try and put together the biggest map of artists and artisans in Britain.

View Michele Dawn in a larger map

It's great for being nosy too! tee hee